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Fine-mapping and cross-validation of QTLs linked to fatty acid composition in multiple independent interspecific crosses of oil palm

Ting, Ngoot Chin; Yaakub, Zulkifli; Kamaruddin, Katialisa; Mayes, Sean; Massawe, Festo; Sambanthamurthi, Ravigadevi; Jansen, Johannes; Low, Leslie Eng Ti; Ithnin, Maizura; Kushairi, Ahmad; Arulandoo, Xaviar; Rosli, Rozana; Chan, Kuang Lim; Amiruddin, Nadzirah; Sritharan, Kandha; Lim, Chin Ching; Nookiah, Rajanaidu; Amiruddin, Mohd Din; Singh, Rajinder

Fine-mapping and cross-validation of QTLs linked to fatty acid composition in multiple independent interspecific crosses of oil palm Thumbnail


Ngoot Chin Ting

Zulkifli Yaakub

Katialisa Kamaruddin

Festo Massawe

Ravigadevi Sambanthamurthi

Johannes Jansen

Leslie Eng Ti Low

Maizura Ithnin

Ahmad Kushairi

Xaviar Arulandoo

Rozana Rosli

Kuang Lim Chan

Nadzirah Amiruddin

Kandha Sritharan

Chin Ching Lim

Rajanaidu Nookiah

Mohd Din Amiruddin

Rajinder Singh


Background: The commercial oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) produces a mesocarp oil (commonly called ‘palm oil’) with approximately equal proportions of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (FAs). An increase in unsaturated FAs content or iodine value (IV) as a measure of the degree of unsaturation would help to open up new markets for the oil. One way to manipulate the fatty acid composition (FAC) in palm oil is through introgression of favourable alleles from the American oil palm, E. oleifera, which has a more unsaturated oil.

Results: In this study, a segregating E. oleifera x E. guineensis (OxG) hybrid population for FAC is used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) linked to IV and various FAs. QTL analysis revealed 10 major and two putative QTLs for IV and six FAs, C14:0, C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1 and C18:2 distributed across six linkage groups (LGs), OT1, T2, T3, OT4, OT6 and T9. The major QTLs for IV and C16:0 on LGOT1 explained 60.0 – 69.0 % of the phenotypic trait variation and were validated in two independent BC2 populations. The genomic interval contains several key structural genes in the FA and oil biosynthesis pathways such as PATE/FATB, HIBCH, BASS2, LACS4 and DGAT1 and also a relevant transcription factor (TF), WRI1. The literature suggests that some of these genes can exhibit pleiotropic effects in the regulatory networks of these traits. Using the whole genome sequence data, markers tightly linked to the candidate genes were also developed. Clustering trait values according to the allelic forms of these candidate markers revealed significant differences in the IV and FAs of the palms in the mapping and validation crosses.

Conclusions: The candidate gene approach described and exploited here is useful to identify the potential causal genes linked to FAC and can be adopted for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in oil palm.


Ting, N. C., Yaakub, Z., Kamaruddin, K., Mayes, S., Massawe, F., Sambanthamurthi, R., Jansen, J., Low, L. E. T., Ithnin, M., Kushairi, A., Arulandoo, X., Rosli, R., Chan, K. L., Amiruddin, N., Sritharan, K., Lim, C. C., Nookiah, R., Amiruddin, M. D., & Singh, R. (2016). Fine-mapping and cross-validation of QTLs linked to fatty acid composition in multiple independent interspecific crosses of oil palm. BMC Genomics, 17(1), Article 289.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 28, 2016
Online Publication Date Apr 14, 2016
Publication Date Apr 14, 2016
Deposit Date Oct 1, 2024
Publicly Available Date Apr 14, 2016
Journal BMC Genomics
Electronic ISSN 1471-2164
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 17
Issue 1
Article Number 289
Keywords Elaeis guineensis, Elaeis oleifera, Backcross-two (BC2), Iodine value (IV), Palmitic acid (C16:0), Oleic acid (C18:1)
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