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Evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in perinatally infected infants with rapid and slow progression to disease

Salvatori, Francesca; Masiero, Sara; Giaquinto, Carlo; Wade, Christopher M.; Leigh Brown, Andrew J.; Chieco-Bianchi, Luigi; De Rossi, Anita


Francesca Salvatori

Sara Masiero

Carlo Giaquinto

Andrew J. Leigh Brown

Luigi Chieco-Bianchi

Anita De Rossi


We addressed the relationship between the origin and evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants and disease outcome in perinatally infected infants by studying the V3 regions of viral variants in samples obtained from five transmitting mothers at delivery and obtained sequentially over the first year of life from their infected infants, two of whom (rapid progressors) rapidly progressed to having AIDS. Phylogenetic analyses disclosed that the V3 sequences from each mother-infant pair clustered together and were clearly distinct from those of the other pairs. Within each pair, the child's sequences formed a monophyletic group, indicating that a single variant initiated the infection in both rapid and slow progressors. Plasma HIV-1 RNA levels increased in all five infants during their first months of life and then declined within the first semester of life only in the three slow progressors. V3 variability increased over time in all infants, but no differences in the pattern of V3 evolution in terms of potential viral phenotype were observed. The numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions varied during the first semester of life regardless of viral load, CD4+-cell count, and disease progression. Conversely, during the second semester of life the rate of nonsynonymous substitutions was higher than that of synonymous substitutions in the slow progressors but not in the rapid progressors, thus suggesting a stronger host selective pressure in the former. In view of the proposal that V3 genetic evolution is driven mainly by host immune constraints, these findings suggest that while the immune response to V3 might contribute to regulating viral levels after the first semester of life, it is unlikely to play a determinant role in the initial viral decline soon after birth.


Salvatori, F., Masiero, S., Giaquinto, C., Wade, C. M., Leigh Brown, A. J., Chieco-Bianchi, L., & De Rossi, A. (1997). Evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in perinatally infected infants with rapid and slow progression to disease. Journal of Virology, 71(6), 4694-4706.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jun 1, 1997
Deposit Date Aug 8, 2022
Journal Journal of Virology
Print ISSN 0022-538X
Electronic ISSN 1098-5514
Publisher American Society for Microbiology
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 71
Issue 6
Pages 4694-4706
Public URL
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