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Endothelium and Subendothelial Matrix Mechanics Modulate Cancer Cell Transendothelial Migration

Javanmardi, Yousef; Agrawal, Ayushi; Malandrino, Andrea; Lasli, Soufian; Chen, Michelle; Shahreza, Somayeh; Serwinski, Bianca; Cammoun, Leila; Li, Ran; Jorfi, Mehdi; Djordjevic, Boris; Szita, Nicolas; Spill, Fabian; Bertazzo, Sergio; Sheridan, Graham K; Shenoy, Vivek; Calvo, Fernando; Kamm, Roger

Endothelium and Subendothelial Matrix Mechanics Modulate Cancer Cell Transendothelial Migration Thumbnail


Yousef Javanmardi

Ayushi Agrawal

Andrea Malandrino

Soufian Lasli

Michelle Chen

Somayeh Shahreza

Bianca Serwinski

Leila Cammoun

Ran Li

Mehdi Jorfi

Boris Djordjevic

Nicolas Szita

Fabian Spill

Sergio Bertazzo

Vivek Shenoy

Fernando Calvo

Roger Kamm


Cancer cell extravasation, a key step in the metastatic cascade, involves cancer cell arrest on the endothelium, transendothelial migration (TEM), followed by the invasion into the subendothelial extracellular matrix (ECM) of distant tissues. While cancer research has mostly focused on the biomechanical interactions between tumor cells (TCs) and ECM, particularly at the primary tumor site, very little is known about the mechanical properties of endothelial cells and the subendothelial ECM and how they contribute to the extravasation process. Here, an integrated experimental and theoretical framework is developed to investigate the mechanical crosstalk between TCs, endothelium and subendothelial ECM during in vitro cancer cell extravasation. It is found that cancer cell actin-rich protrusions generate complex push–pull forces to initiate and drive TEM, while transmigration success also relies on the forces generated by the endothelium. Consequently, mechanical properties of the subendothelial ECM and endothelial actomyosin contractility that mediate the endothelial forces also impact the endothelium's resistance to cancer cell transmigration. These results indicate that mechanical features of distant tissues, including force interactions between the endothelium and the subendothelial ECM, are key determinants of metastatic organotropism.


Javanmardi, Y., Agrawal, A., Malandrino, A., Lasli, S., Chen, M., Shahreza, S., Serwinski, B., Cammoun, L., Li, R., Jorfi, M., Djordjevic, B., Szita, N., Spill, F., Bertazzo, S., Sheridan, G. K., Shenoy, V., Calvo, F., & Kamm, R. (2023). Endothelium and Subendothelial Matrix Mechanics Modulate Cancer Cell Transendothelial Migration. Advanced Science, 10(16), Article 2206554.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 13, 2023
Online Publication Date Apr 13, 2023
Publication Date Jun 2, 2023
Deposit Date Feb 8, 2024
Publicly Available Date Feb 8, 2024
Journal Advanced Science
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 16
Article Number 2206554
Public URL
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