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Tetraspanin Tspan15 is an essential subunit of an ADAM10 scissor complex

Koo, Chek Ziu; Harrison, Neale; Noy, Peter J.; Szyroka, Justyna; Matthews, Alexandra L.; Hsia, Hung-En; Mueller, Stephan A.; Tüshaus, Johanna; Goulding, Joelle; Willis, Katie; Apicella, Clara; Cragoe, Bethany; Davis, Edward; Keles, Murat; Malinova, Antonia; McFarlane, Thomas A.; Morrison, Philip R.; Sykes, Michael C.; Ahmed, Haroon; Di Maio, Alessandro; Seipold, Lisa; Saftig, Paul; Cull, Eleanor; Rubinstein, Eric; Poulter, Natalie S.; Briddon, Stephen J.; Holliday, Nicholas D.; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.; Tomlinson, Michael G.

Tetraspanin Tspan15 is an essential subunit of an ADAM10 scissor complex Thumbnail


Chek Ziu Koo

Neale Harrison

Peter J. Noy

Justyna Szyroka

Alexandra L. Matthews

Hung-En Hsia

Stephan A. Mueller

Johanna Tüshaus

Katie Willis

Clara Apicella

Bethany Cragoe

Edward Davis

Murat Keles

Antonia Malinova

Thomas A. McFarlane

Philip R. Morrison

Michael C. Sykes

Haroon Ahmed

Alessandro Di Maio

Lisa Seipold

Paul Saftig

Eleanor Cull

Eric Rubinstein

Natalie S. Poulter

Stefan F. Lichtenthaler

Michael G. Tomlinson


A disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10) is essential for embryonic development and impacts on diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and inflammatory diseases. ADAM10 is a ‘molecular scissor’ that proteolytically cleaves the extracellular region from over 100 substrates, including Notch, amyloid precursor protein, cadherins, growth factors and chemokines. ADAM10 was recently proposed to function as six distinct scissors with different substrates, depending on its association with one of six regulatory tetraspanins, termed TspanC8s. However, it remains unclear to what degree ADAM10 function is critically dependent on a TspanC8 partner. To address this, we generated the first monoclonal antibodies to Tspan15 as a model TspanC8. These were used to show that ADAM10 is the principal Tspan15-interacting protein, that Tspan15 expression requires ADAM10 in cell lines and primary cells, and that a synthetic ADAM10/Tspan15 fusion protein is a functional scissor. Together these findings suggest that ADAM10 exists as an intimate ADAM10/TspanC8 scissor complex.


Koo, C. Z., Harrison, N., Noy, P. J., Szyroka, J., Matthews, A. L., Hsia, H.-E., Mueller, S. A., Tüshaus, J., Goulding, J., Willis, K., Apicella, C., Cragoe, B., Davis, E., Keles, M., Malinova, A., McFarlane, T. A., Morrison, P. R., Sykes, M. C., Ahmed, H., Di Maio, A., …Tomlinson, M. G. (2019). Tetraspanin Tspan15 is an essential subunit of an ADAM10 scissor complex

Working Paper Type Preprint
Online Publication Date Oct 11, 2019
Publication Date Oct 11, 2019
Deposit Date Feb 24, 2025
Publicly Available Date Mar 3, 2025
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