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Eczema Bathing Study – how often should we bathe?

Harrison, Eleanor; Thomas, Kim

Eczema Bathing Study – how often should we bathe? Thumbnail



Background and study aims
The Eczema Bathing Study is part of the Rapid Eczema Trials project. The researchers hope to answer many questions about how to manage eczema through this project. People with eczema are helping to prioritise, design and run these studies. This means that the project will answer important questions for people with eczema. In the Eczema Bathing Study, the researchers will test how often people with eczema should have a bath or a shower to best manage their eczema.

Who can participate?
People aged 1 year or older who have eczema can join the study. The researchers are encouraging people from all different backgrounds to take part.  

What does the study involve?
People will join the study by signing up on the study’s website. They will give information about their eczema and how they usually bathe. For this study, bathing means taking a bath or a shower. They will then be put into one of two groups by a computer. One group will be asked to have a bath or shower no more than 1 or 2 times a week. The other group will be asked to have a bath or shower 6 or more times a week. People will be asked to follow this advice for 4 weeks. They will be asked to complete some questions, sent to them by email/text message each week.  People can take part from home and do not need to travel. 

What are the possible benefits and risks of participating?
By taking part people may help the researchers to understand more about managing eczema in the future. Some people like to feel they are helping others by taking part, and some people like to try new things out for themselves.
Some people may find their eczema gets better but some might find that it gets worse. They can still use their regular creams and treatments to help relieve the symptoms.
 As soon as the study results are known, they will be shared as quickly as possible on the study’s website (  

Where is the study run from?
The study is being organised by Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (the Sponsor) and is coordinated by the University of Nottingham. Participants join the study online and take part from home so can live anywhere within the UK.

When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for?
September 2022 to March 2025


Harrison, E., & Thomas, K. (2023). Eczema Bathing Study – how often should we bathe?. [Data].

Acceptance Date Nov 22, 2023
Online Publication Date Nov 22, 2023
Publication Date Nov 22, 2023
Deposit Date Nov 30, 2023
Publicly Available Date Dec 12, 2023
Public URL
Publisher URL
Collection Date Jan 8, 2024


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