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Development, validation, and prognostic evaluation of a risk score for long-term liver-related outcomes in the general population: a multicohort study

Serra-Burriel, Miquel; Juanola, Adrià; Serra-Burriel, Feliu; Thiele, Maja; Graupera, Isabel; Pose, Elisa; Pera, Guillem; Grgurevic, Ivica; Caballeria, Llorenç; Piano, Salvatore; van Kleef, Laurens; Reichert, Mathias; Roulot, Dominique; Pericàs, Juan M; Schattenberg, Jörn M; Tsochatztis, Emmanuel A; Guha, Indra Neil; Garcia-Retortillo, Montserrat; Hernández, Rosario; Hoyo, Jordi; Fuentes, Matilde; Expósito, Carmen; Martínez, Alba; Such, Patricia; Madir, Anita; Detlefsen, Sönke; Tonon, Marta; Martini, Andrea; Ma, Ann T; Pich, Judith; Bonfill, Eva; Juan, Marta; Soria, Anna; Carol, Marta; Gratacós-Ginès, Jordi; Morillas, Rosa M; Toran, Pere; Navarrete, J M; Torrejón, Antoni; Fournier, Céline; Llorca, Anne; Arslanow, Anita; de Koning, Harry J; Cucchietti, Fernando; Manns, Michael; Newsome, Phillip N; Hernáez, Rubén; Allen, Alina; Angeli, Paolo; de Knegt, Robert J; Karlsen, Tom H; Galle, Peter; Wong, Vincent Wai-Sun; Fabrellas, Núria; Castera, Laurent; Krag, Aleksander; Lammert, Frank; Kamat...

Development, validation, and prognostic evaluation of a risk score for long-term liver-related outcomes in the general population: a multicohort study Thumbnail


Miquel Serra-Burriel

Adrià Juanola

Feliu Serra-Burriel

Maja Thiele

Isabel Graupera

Elisa Pose

Guillem Pera

Ivica Grgurevic

Llorenç Caballeria

Salvatore Piano

Laurens van Kleef

Mathias Reichert

Dominique Roulot

Juan M Pericàs

Jörn M Schattenberg

Emmanuel A Tsochatztis

Montserrat Garcia-Retortillo

Rosario Hernández

Jordi Hoyo

Matilde Fuentes

Carmen Expósito

Alba Martínez

Patricia Such

Anita Madir

Sönke Detlefsen

Marta Tonon

Andrea Martini

Ann T Ma

Judith Pich

Eva Bonfill

Marta Juan

Anna Soria

Marta Carol

Jordi Gratacós-Ginès

Rosa M Morillas

Pere Toran

J M Navarrete

Antoni Torrejón

Céline Fournier

Anne Llorca

Anita Arslanow

Harry J de Koning

Fernando Cucchietti

Michael Manns

Phillip N Newsome

Rubén Hernáez

Alina Allen

Paolo Angeli

Robert J de Knegt

Tom H Karlsen

Peter Galle

Vincent Wai-Sun Wong

Núria Fabrellas

Laurent Castera

Aleksander Krag

Frank Lammert

Patrick S Kamath

Pere Ginès

Marifé Alvarez

Peter Andersen

Paolo Angeli

Alba Ardèvol

Anita Arslanow

Luca Beggiato

Zahia Ben Abdesselam

Lucy Bennett

Bajiha Boutouria

Alessandra Brocca

M. Teresa Broquetas

Llorenç Caballeria

Valeria Calvino

Judith Camacho

Aura Capdevila

Marta Carol

Laurent Castera

Marta Cervera

Fernando Cucchietti

Anna de Fuentes

Rob de Knegt

Harry J de Koning

Sonke Detlefsen

Alba Diaz

José Diéguez Bande

Vanessa Esnault

Rebecca Harris

Núria Fabrellas

Josep Lluis Falcó

Rosa Fernández

Céline Fournier

Matilde Fuentes

Peter Galle

Edgar García

Montserrat García-Retortillo

Esther Garrido

Pere Ginès

Rosa Gordillo Medina

Jordi Gratacós-Ginès

Isabel Graupera

Ivica Grgurevic

Eva Guix

Johanne Kragh Hansen

Rebecca Harris

Elena Hernández Boluda

Rosario Hernández-Ibañez

Jordi Hoyo

Arfan Ikram

Simone Incicco

Mads Israelsen

Marta Juan

Adrià Juanola

Ralf Kaiser

Patrick S Kamath

Tom H Karlsen

Maria Kjærgaard

Marko Korenjak

Aleksander Krag

Marcin Krawczyk

Philippe Laboulaye

Irina Lambert

Frank Lammert

Simon Langkjær Sørensen

Cristina Laserna-Jiménez

Sonia Lazaro Pi

Elsa Ledain

Vincent Levy

Katrine Prier Lindvig

Anne Llorca

Vanessa Londoño

Guirec Loyer

Ann T. Ma

Anita Madir

Michael Manns

Denise Marshall

M. Lluïsa Martí

Sara Martínez

Ricard Martínez Sala

Roser Masa-Font

Jane Møller Jensen

Rosa M Morillas

Laura Muñoz

Ruth Nadal

Laura Napoleone

JM Navarrete

Phillip N Newsome

Vibeke Nielsen

Martina Pérez

Juan Manuel Pericás-Pulido

Salvatore Piano

Judit Pich

Elisa Pose

Judit Presas Escobet

Matthias Reichert

Carlota Riba

Dominique Roulot

Ana Belén Rubio

Maria Sánchez-Morata

Jörn Schattenberg

Miquel Serra-Burriel

Feliu Serra-Burriel

Louise Skovborg Just

Milan Sonneveld

Anna Soria

Christiane Stern

Patricia Such

Maja Thiele

Marta Tonon

Pere Toran

Antoni Torrejón

Emmanuel A Tsochatzis

Laurens van Kleef

Paulien van Wijngaarden

Vanessa Velázquez

Ana Viu

Susanne Nicole Weber

Tracey Wildsmith


Background: Liver cirrhosis is a major cause of death worldwide. Cirrhosis develops after a long asymptomatic period of fibrosis progression, with the diagnosis frequently occurring late, when major complications or cancer develop. Few reliable tools exist for timely identification of individuals at risk of cirrhosis to allow for early intervention. We aimed to develop a novel score to identify individuals at risk for future liver-related outcomes. Methods: We derived the LiverRisk score from an international prospective cohort of individuals from six countries without known liver disease from the general population, who underwent liver fibrosis assessment by transient elastography. The score included age, sex, and six standard laboratory variables. We created four groups: minimal risk, low risk, medium risk, and high risk according to selected cutoff values of the LiverRisk score (6, 10, and 15). The model's discriminatory accuracy and calibration were externally validated in two prospective cohorts from the general population. Moreover, we ascertained the prognostic value of the score in the prediction of liver-related outcomes in participants without known liver disease with median follow-up of 12 years (UK Biobank cohort). Findings: We included 14 726 participants: 6357 (43·2%) in the derivation cohort, 4370 (29·7%) in the first external validation cohort, and 3999 (27·2%) in the second external validation cohort. The score accurately predicted liver stiffness in the development and external validation cohorts, and was superior to conventional serum biomarkers of fibrosis, as measured by area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve (AUC; 0·83 [95% CI [0·78–0·89]) versus the fibrosis-4 index (FIB-4; 0·68 [0·61–0·75] at 10 kPa). The score was effective in identifying individuals at risk of liver-related mortality, liver-related hospitalisation, and liver cancer, thereby allowing stratification to different risk groups for liver-related outcomes. The hazard ratio for liver-related mortality in the high-risk group was 471 (95% CI 347–641) compared with the minimal risk group, and the overall AUC of the score in predicting 10-year liver-related mortality was 0·90 (0·88–0·91) versus 0.84 (0·82–0·86) for FIB-4. Interpretation: The LiverRisk score, based on simple parameters, predicted liver fibrosis and future development of liver-related outcomes in the general population. The score might allow for stratification of individuals according to liver risk and thus guide preventive care. Funding: None.


Serra-Burriel, M., Juanola, A., Serra-Burriel, F., Thiele, M., Graupera, I., Pose, E., Pera, G., Grgurevic, I., Caballeria, L., Piano, S., van Kleef, L., Reichert, M., Roulot, D., Pericàs, J. M., Schattenberg, J. M., Tsochatztis, E. A., Guha, I. N., Garcia-Retortillo, M., Hernández, R., Hoyo, J., …Wildsmith, T. (2023). Development, validation, and prognostic evaluation of a risk score for long-term liver-related outcomes in the general population: a multicohort study. Lancet, 402(10406),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 11, 2023
Online Publication Date Aug 9, 2023
Publication Date Sep 16, 2023
Deposit Date Aug 31, 2023
Publicly Available Date Feb 10, 2024
Journal The Lancet
Print ISSN 0140-6736
Electronic ISSN 1474-547X
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 402
Issue 10406
Keywords General Medicine
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