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Foundation systems for sustainable revitalisation of spoil dump areas

Kantesaria, Naman; Cui, Ge; Garala, Thejesh Kumar; Doan, Nhat-Phi; Heron, Charles M.; Halder, Koushik; Marshall, Alec M.


Naman Kantesaria

Ge Cui

Thejesh Kumar Garala

Nhat-Phi Doan

Koushik Halder


The design of foundations systems is well established in the literature and codes of practice. However, these are generally applicable to well characterised, homogenous ground conditions. Spoil materials represent a significant challenge when implementing these design procedures due to their time-dependent characteristics, their spatial variability , and the likelihood that they will consist of low strength/stiffness materials. As such, careful consideration is required when designing foundation systems on spoil materials, especially for sensitive structures such as wind turbines. Physical modelling experiments using a geotechnical centrifuge were conducted to study the spoil-foundation system interaction. In these tests, an equivalent spoil was used that provided satisfactory reproduction of key physical and mechanical characteristics of a real spoil material. Three types of foundation systems were considered in the centrifuge tests: (1) raft foundation, (2) pile-group foundation, and (3) pile-raft foundation. The long-term cyclic loading of 87kN, 171kN and 460kN maximum cyclic load were used for the raft foundation. A higher cyclic load of 501kN was applied to the pile-group and pile-raft foundations. To evaluate the effect of climatic condition variations on spoil-foundation interactions, the centrifuge tests were carried out at different water table levels within the spoil material. The experimental results were analysed in terms of foundation rotation and foundation vertical settlement. The raft foundation rotated around 0.1-0.2 degrees and vertically displaced by 5-10 mm, whereas the pile-group rotated about 0.6-0.8 degrees and vertically displaced by 20-30 mm due to long-term cyclic loading. The pile-raft foundation displayed better response as compared to pile-group foundation.


Kantesaria, N., Cui, G., Garala, T. K., Doan, N.-P., Heron, C. M., Halder, K., & Marshall, A. M. (2022). Foundation systems for sustainable revitalisation of spoil dump areas. Gornictwo Odkrywkowe, LXIII(4), 10-15.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 2, 2022
Publication Date Oct 4, 2022
Deposit Date Nov 22, 2023
Journal Górnictwo Odkrywkowe = Surface Mining
Print ISSN 0043-2075
Publisher Poltegor – Instytut
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume LXIII
Issue 4
Pages 10-15
Public URL
Publisher URL