Oghenekome Gbinigie
Platform adaptive trial of novel antivirals for early treatment of COVID-19 In the community (PANORAMIC): protocol for a randomised, controlled, open-label, adaptive platform trial of community novel antiviral treatment of COVID-19 in people at increased risk of more severe disease
Gbinigie, Oghenekome; Ogburn, Emma; Allen, Julie; Dorward, Jienchi; Dobson, Melissa; Madden, Tracie-Ann; Yu, Ly-Mee; Lowe, David M.; Rahman, Najib; Petrou, Stavros; Richards, Duncan; Hood, Kerenza; Patel, Mahendra; Saville, Benjamin R; Marion, Joe; Holmes, Jane; Png, May Ee; Hayward, Gail; Lown, Mark; Harris, Victoria; Jani, Bhautesh; Hart, Nigel; Khoo, Saye; Rutter, Heather; Chalk, Jem; Standing, Joseph F; Breuer, Judith; Lavallee, Layla; Hadley, Elizabeth; Cureton, Lucy; Benysek, Magdalena; Andersson, Monique I; Francis, Nick; Thomas, Nicholas P B; Evans, Philip; van Hecke, Oliver; Koshkouei, Mona; Coates, Maria; Barrett, Sarah; Bateman, Clare; Davies, Jennifer; Raymundo-Wood, Ivy; Ustianowski, Andrew; Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan; Carson-Stevens, Andrew; Hobbs, Richard; Little, Paul; Butler, Christopher C
Emma Ogburn
Julie Allen
Jienchi Dorward
Melissa Dobson
Tracie-Ann Madden
Ly-Mee Yu
David M. Lowe
Najib Rahman
Stavros Petrou
Duncan Richards
Kerenza Hood
Mahendra Patel
Benjamin R Saville
Joe Marion
Jane Holmes
May Ee Png
Gail Hayward
Mark Lown
Victoria Harris
Bhautesh Jani
Nigel Hart
Saye Khoo
Heather Rutter
Jem Chalk
Joseph F Standing
Judith Breuer
Layla Lavallee
Elizabeth Hadley
Lucy Cureton
Magdalena Benysek
Monique I Andersson
Nick Francis
Nicholas P B Thomas
Philip Evans
Oliver van Hecke
Mona Koshkouei
Maria Coates
Sarah Barrett
Clare Bateman
Jennifer Davies
Ivy Raymundo-Wood
Andrew Ustianowski
Jonathan Nguyen-Van-Tam
Andrew Carson-Stevens
Richard Hobbs
Paul Little
Christopher C Butler
Introduction: There is an urgent need to determine the safety, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of novel antiviral treatments for COVID-19 in vaccinated patients in the community at increased risk of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19.
Methods and analysis: PANORAMIC is a UK-wide, open-label, prospective, adaptive, multiarm platform, randomised clinical trial that evaluates antiviral treatments for COVID-19 in the community. A master protocol governs the addition of new antiviral treatments as they become available, and the introduction and cessation of existing interventions via interim analyses. The first two interventions to be evaluated are molnupiravir (Lagevrio) and nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlovid). Eligibility criteria: community-dwelling within 5 days of onset of symptomatic COVID-19 (confirmed by PCR or lateral flow test), and either (1) aged 50 years and over, or (2) aged 18–49 years with qualifying comorbidities. Registration occurs via the trial website and by telephone. Recruitment occurs remotely through the central trial team, or in person through clinical sites. Participants are randomised to receive either usual care or a trial drug plus usual care. Outcomes are collected via a participant-completed daily electronic symptom diary for 28 days post randomisation. Participants and/or their Trial Partner are contacted by the research team after days 7, 14 and 28 if the diary is not completed, or if the participant is unable to access the diary. The primary efficacy endpoint is all-cause, non-elective hospitalisation and/or death within 28 days of randomisation. Multiple prespecified interim analyses allow interventions to be stopped for futility or superiority based on prespecified decision criteria. A prospective economic evaluation is embedded within the trial.
Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval granted by South Central–Berkshire REC number: 21/SC/0393; IRAS project ID: 1004274. Results will be presented to policymakers and at conferences, and published in peer-reviewed journals. Trial registration number: ISRCTN30448031; EudraCT number: 2021-005748-31.
Gbinigie, O., Ogburn, E., Allen, J., Dorward, J., Dobson, M., Madden, T.-A., Yu, L.-M., Lowe, D. M., Rahman, N., Petrou, S., Richards, D., Hood, K., Patel, M., Saville, B. R., Marion, J., Holmes, J., Png, M. E., Hayward, G., Lown, M., Harris, V., …Butler, C. C. (2023). Platform adaptive trial of novel antivirals for early treatment of COVID-19 In the community (PANORAMIC): protocol for a randomised, controlled, open-label, adaptive platform trial of community novel antiviral treatment of COVID-19 in people at increased risk of more severe disease. BMJ Open, 13(8), Article e069176. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069176
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Jul 3, 2023 |
Online Publication Date | Aug 7, 2023 |
Publication Date | Aug 7, 2023 |
Deposit Date | Oct 5, 2023 |
Publicly Available Date | Oct 5, 2023 |
Journal | BMJ Open |
Electronic ISSN | 2044-6055 |
Publisher | BMJ Publishing Group |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 13 |
Issue | 8 |
Article Number | e069176 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069176 |
Keywords | COVID-19, clinical trials, virology, therapeutics, primary care |
Public URL | https://nottingham-repository.worktribe.com/output/24414621 |
Publisher URL | https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/13/8/e069176 |
Platform adaptive trial of novel antivirals for early treatment of COVID-19 In the community (PANORAMIC): protocol for a randomised, controlled, open-label, adaptive platform trial of community novel antiviral treatment of COVID-19 in people at increased
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