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Addressing unmet needs in understanding asthma mechanisms

Edwards, Michael R.; Saglani, Sejal; Schwarze, Jurgen; Skevaki, Chrysanthi; Smith, Jaclyn A.; Ainsworth, Ben; Almond, Mark; Andreakos, Evangelos; Belvisi, Maria G.; Chung, Kian Fan; Cookson, William; Cullinan, Paul; Hawrylowicz, Catherine; Lommatzsch, Marek; Jackson, David; Lutter, Rene; Marsland, Benjamin; Moffatt, Miriam; Thomas, Mike; Virchow, J. Christian; Xanthou, Georgina; Edwards, Jessica; Walker, Samantha; Johnston, Sebastian L.; Adcock, Ian; Akdis, Cezmi; Bel, Elisabeth; Bousquet, Jean; Ten Brinke, Anneke; Brusselle, Guy; Dáhlen, Sven Erik; Djukanovic, Ratko; Gaga, Mina; Garcia-Marcos, Luis; Hiemstra, Pieter; Heffler, Enrico; Holgate, Stephen; Kupczyk, Maciek; Lloyd, Clare; Lucas, Jane; Magnan, Antoine; Martin, Thomas; Myles, David; Page, Clive; Palkonen, Susanna; Papadopoulos, Nikos; Papi, Alberto; Powell, Pippa; Riley, John; Sayers, Ian; Spanevello, Antonio; Sterk, Peter; Xepapadaki, Paraskevi; Wheelock, Craig


Michael R. Edwards

Sejal Saglani

Jurgen Schwarze

Chrysanthi Skevaki

Jaclyn A. Smith

Ben Ainsworth

Mark Almond

Evangelos Andreakos

Maria G. Belvisi

Kian Fan Chung

William Cookson

Paul Cullinan

Catherine Hawrylowicz

Marek Lommatzsch

David Jackson

Rene Lutter

Benjamin Marsland

Miriam Moffatt

Mike Thomas

J. Christian Virchow

Georgina Xanthou

Jessica Edwards

Samantha Walker

Sebastian L. Johnston

Ian Adcock

Cezmi Akdis

Elisabeth Bel

Jean Bousquet

Anneke Ten Brinke

Guy Brusselle

Sven Erik Dáhlen

Ratko Djukanovic

Mina Gaga

Luis Garcia-Marcos

Pieter Hiemstra

Enrico Heffler

Stephen Holgate

Maciek Kupczyk

Clare Lloyd

Jane Lucas

Antoine Magnan

Thomas Martin

David Myles

Clive Page

Susanna Palkonen

Nikos Papadopoulos

Alberto Papi

Pippa Powell

John Riley

Antonio Spanevello

Peter Sterk

Paraskevi Xepapadaki

Craig Wheelock


Asthma is a heterogeneous, complex disease with clinical phenotypes that incorporate persistent symptoms and acute exacerbations. It affects many millions of Europeans throughout their education and working lives and puts a heavy cost on European productivity. There is a wide spectrum of disease severity and control. Therapeutic advances have been slow despite greater understanding of basic mechanisms and the lack of satisfactory preventative and disease modifying management for asthma constitutes a significant unmet clinical need. Preventing, treating and ultimately curing asthma requires co-ordinated research and innovation across Europe. The European Asthma Research and Innovation Partnership (EARIP) is an FP7-funded programme which has taken a co-ordinated and integrated approach to analysing the future of asthma research and development. This report aims to identify the mechanistic areas in which investment is required to bring about significant improvements in asthma outcomes.


Edwards, M. R., Saglani, S., Schwarze, J., Skevaki, C., Smith, J. A., Ainsworth, B., Almond, M., Andreakos, E., Belvisi, M. G., Chung, K. F., Cookson, W., Cullinan, P., Hawrylowicz, C., Lommatzsch, M., Jackson, D., Lutter, R., Marsland, B., Moffatt, M., Thomas, M., Virchow, J. C., …Wheelock, C. (2017). Addressing unmet needs in understanding asthma mechanisms. European Respiratory Journal, 49(5), Article 1602448.

Journal Article Type Review
Acceptance Date Mar 13, 2017
Online Publication Date May 13, 2017
Publication Date 2017
Deposit Date Mar 14, 2024
Journal European Respiratory Journal
Print ISSN 0903-1936
Publisher European Respiratory Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 49
Issue 5
Article Number 1602448
Public URL