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Biomodd: The integration of art into transdisciplinary research practices

Kuchner, Ulrike; Nasser, Mona; Steyaert, Pieter; Maranan, Diego S.; Birsel, Zeynep; Haines, Agatha; Peeters, Ann; Vermeulen, Angelo C.J.

Biomodd: The integration of art into transdisciplinary research practices Thumbnail


Mona Nasser

Pieter Steyaert

Diego S. Maranan

Zeynep Birsel

Agatha Haines

Ann Peeters

Angelo C.J. Vermeulen


Biomodd is an artistic project with the potential for supporting transdisciplinary practices in blended virtual and in-person environments. After describing the project components, we discuss the collaborative process of idea generation and participant engagement.

In this paper, we argue for the integration of collaborative art practice in transdisciplinary (TD) research to generate ideas and engage researchers and non-academic stakeholders. We draw on the virtual and in-person (hybrid) participation of members of the TD collective Space Ecologies Art and Design (SEADS) during Biomodd, an art installation that addresses global challenges in ecology, humanity, technology, and technological waste. Using survey responses, diaries, and meeting minutes, we reflect on the process, methods and ideation during Biomodd and map them to the concept of the “idea journey” discussed by Jill E. Perry-Smith and Pier Vittorio Mannucci. We find that while in-person ideation was driven by utility, materiality, and emergence, the hybrid mode provided favorable conditions for a feedback loop of expansive, individual experimentation and online sharing.


Kuchner, U., Nasser, M., Steyaert, P., Maranan, D. S., Birsel, Z., Haines, A., Peeters, A., & Vermeulen, A. C. (2023). Biomodd: The integration of art into transdisciplinary research practices. GAiA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 32(1), 144-153.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 20, 2023
Online Publication Date May 20, 2023
Publication Date May 20, 2023
Deposit Date May 30, 2023
Publicly Available Date May 31, 2023
Journal GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Print ISSN 0940-5550
Electronic ISSN 2625-5413
Publisher Oekom Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 32
Issue 1
Pages 144-153
Keywords Art-science collaborations; co-creation; community art; e-waste; hybrid creation; idea generation; innovation; transdisciplinary sustainability research
Public URL


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