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Four-factor risk score for the prediction of interstitial lung disease in rheumatoid arthritis

Koduri, Gouri Mani; Podlasek, Anna; Pattapola, Shyanthi; Zhang, Jufen; Laila, Deena; Nandagudi, Anupama; Dubey, Shirish; Kelly, Clive

Four-factor risk score for the prediction of interstitial lung disease in rheumatoid arthritis Thumbnail


Gouri Mani Koduri

Anna Podlasek

Shyanthi Pattapola

Jufen Zhang

Deena Laila

Anupama Nandagudi

Shirish Dubey

Clive Kelly


Objective: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is one of the commonest systemic complications in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and carries a significant morbidity and mortality burden. We aimed to identify key variables to risk-stratify RA patients in order to identify those at increased risk of developing ILD. We propose a probability score based on the identification of these variables. Methods: A retrospective, multicentre study using clinical data collected between 2010 and 2020, across 20 centres. Results: A total of 430 RA (210 with ILD confirmed on high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT)) patients were evaluated. We explored several independent variables for the risk of developing ILD in RA and found that the key significant variables were smoking (past or present), older age and positive rheumatoid factor/anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to form a scoring system for categorising patients into high and low risk on a scale of 0–9 points and a cut-off score of 5, based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.76 (CI 95% 0.71–0.82). This yielded a sensitivity of 86% and a specificity of 58%. High-risk patients should be considered for investigation with HRCT and monitored closely. Conclusion: We have proposed a new model for identifying RA patients at risk of developing ILD. This approach identified four simple clinical variables: age, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, Rheumatoid factor and smoking, which allowed development of a predictive scoring system for the presence of ILD in patients with RA.


Koduri, G. M., Podlasek, A., Pattapola, S., Zhang, J., Laila, D., Nandagudi, A., Dubey, S., & Kelly, C. (2023). Four-factor risk score for the prediction of interstitial lung disease in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology International, 43, 1515–1523.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 16, 2023
Online Publication Date Apr 18, 2023
Publication Date 2023-08
Deposit Date Jun 2, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jun 8, 2023
Journal Rheumatology International
Print ISSN 0172-8172
Electronic ISSN 1437-160X
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 43
Pages 1515–1523
Keywords Probability score, Rheumatoid arthritis, Extra-articular manifestation, Interstitial lung disease, Risk prediction
Public URL
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