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Cross-language influences in L2 visual word processing: A localist connectionist modelling perspective

van Heuven, Walter J.B.; Dijkstra, Ton


Ton Dijkstra


Irina Elgort

Anna Siyanova-Chanturia

Marc Brysbaert


Over the last decades, a variety of verbal models have been proposed to account for empirical findings on bilingual word processing and second language (L2) acquisition. However, in these domains only a small number of computational models have seen the light, including localist connectionist models like the Bilingual Interactive Activation (BIA) model (Dijkstra & van Heuven, 1998; van Heuven et al., 1998), the Bilingual Interactive Activation + (BIA+) model (Dijkstra & van Heuven, 2002), and Multilink(+) (Dijkstra et al., 2019; 2022a). In this chapter, we review structural and processing characteristics of these models, such as input coding, lateral inhibition, word frequency, language nodes, and task demands. Finally, advantages and limitations of current computational models are discussed.


van Heuven, W. J., & Dijkstra, T. (2023). Cross-language influences in L2 visual word processing: A localist connectionist modelling perspective. In I. Elgort, A. Siyanova-Chanturia, & M. Brysbaert (Eds.), Cross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition (102-125). John Benjamins Publishing.

Publication Date Apr 15, 2023
Deposit Date May 2, 2023
Publisher John Benjamins Publishing
Pages 102-125
Series Title Bilingual Processing and Acquisition
Series Number 16
Series ISSN 2352-0531
Book Title Cross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition
Chapter Number 5
ISBN 9789027212917
Public URL
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Contract Date Apr 12, 2022