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Loss of ancestral function in duckweed roots is accompanied by progressive anatomical reduction and a re-distribution of nutrient transporters

Ware, Alexander; Jones, Dylan H.; Flis, Paulina; Chrysanthou, Elina; Smith, Kellie E.; Kümpers, Britta M.C.; Yant, Levi; Atkinson, Jonathan A.; Wells, Darren M.; Bhosale, Rahul; Bishopp, Anthony

Loss of ancestral function in duckweed roots is accompanied by progressive anatomical reduction and a re-distribution of nutrient transporters Thumbnail


Dylan H. Jones

Paulina Flis

Elina Chrysanthou

Kellie E. Smith

Britta M.C. Kümpers


Organ loss occurs frequently during plant and animal evolution. Sometimes, non-functional organs are retained through evolution. Vestigial organs are defined as genetically determined structures that have lost their ancestral (or salient) function. Duckweeds, an aquatic monocot family, exhibit both these characteristics. They possess a uniquely simple body plan, variably across five genera, two of which are rootless. Due to the existence of closely related species with a wide diversity in rooting strategies, duckweed roots represent a powerful system for investigating vestigiality. To explore this, we employed a panel of physiological, ionomic, and transcriptomic analyses, with the main goal of elucidating the extent of vestigiality in duckweed roots. We uncovered a progressive reduction in root anatomy as genera diverge and revealed that the root has lost its salient ancestral function as an organ required for supplying nutrients to the plant. Accompanying this, nutrient transporter expression patterns have lost the stereotypical root biased localization observed in other plant species. While other examples of organ loss such as limbs in reptiles or eyes in cavefish frequently display a binary of presence/absence, duckweeds provide a unique snapshot of an organ with varying degrees of vestigialization in closely related neighbors and thus provide a unique resource for exploration of how organs behave at different stages along the process of loss.


Ware, A., Jones, D. H., Flis, P., Chrysanthou, E., Smith, K. E., Kümpers, B. M., Yant, L., Atkinson, J. A., Wells, D. M., Bhosale, R., & Bishopp, A. (2023). Loss of ancestral function in duckweed roots is accompanied by progressive anatomical reduction and a re-distribution of nutrient transporters. Current Biology, 33(9), 1795-1802.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 9, 2023
Online Publication Date Mar 28, 2023
Publication Date May 8, 2023
Deposit Date Apr 12, 2023
Publicly Available Date Apr 17, 2023
Journal Current Biology
Print ISSN 0960-9822
Electronic ISSN 1879-0445
Publisher Cell Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 33
Issue 9
Article Number j.cub.2023.03.025
Pages 1795-1802
Keywords root biology, vestigialization, nutrient transport, organ loss, duckweed, root anatomy, evolution
Public URL
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