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Determining T2 relaxation time and stroke onset relationship in ischaemic stroke within apparent diffusion coefficient-defined lesions. A user-independent method for quantifying the impact of stroke in the human brain

Knight, Michael J.; Damion, Robin A.; McGarry, Bryony L.; Bosnell, Rose; Jokivarsi, Kimmo T.; Gröhn, Olli H.J.; Jezzard, Peter; Harston, George W.J.; Carone, Davide; Kennedy, James; El-Tawil, Salwa; Elliot, Jennifer; Muir, Keith W.; Clatworthy, Philip; Kauppinen, Risto A.


Michael J. Knight

Bryony L. McGarry

Rose Bosnell

Kimmo T. Jokivarsi

Olli H.J. Gröhn

Peter Jezzard

George W.J. Harston

Davide Carone

James Kennedy

Salwa El-Tawil

Jennifer Elliot

Keith W. Muir

Philip Clatworthy

Risto A. Kauppinen



BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In hyperacute ischaemic stroke, T2 of cerebral water increases with time. Quantifying this change may be informative of the extent of tissue damage and onset time. Our objective was to develop a user-unbiased method to measure the effect of cerebral ischaemia on T2 to study stroke onset time-dependency in human acute stroke lesions.
METHODS: Six rats were subjected to permanent middle cerebral occlusion to induce focal ischaemia, and a consecutive cohort of acute stroke patients (n = 38) were recruited within 9 hours from symptom onset. T1-weighted structural, T2 relaxometry, and diffusion MRI for apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were acquired. Ischaemic lesions were defined as regions of lowered ADC. The median T2 difference (T2) between lesion and contralateral non-ischaemic control region was determined by the newly-developed spherical reference method, and data compared to that obtained by the mirror reference method. Linear regressions and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) were compared between the two methods.
RESULTS: Delta T2 increases linearly in rat brain ischaemia by 1.9 ± 0.8 ms/h during the first 6 hours, as determined by the spherical reference method. In patients, T2 linearly increases by 1.6 ± 1.4 and 1.9 ± 0.9 ms/h in the lesion, as determined by the mirror reference and spherical reference method, respectively. ROC analyses produced areas under the curve of 0.83 and 0.71 for the spherical and mirror reference methods, respectively.


Knight, M. J., Damion, R. A., McGarry, B. L., Bosnell, R., Jokivarsi, K. T., Gröhn, O. H., Jezzard, P., Harston, G. W., Carone, D., Kennedy, J., El-Tawil, S., Elliot, J., Muir, K. W., Clatworthy, P., & Kauppinen, R. A. (2019). Determining T2 relaxation time and stroke onset relationship in ischaemic stroke within apparent diffusion coefficient-defined lesions. A user-independent method for quantifying the impact of stroke in the human brain. Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging, 8(1-2), 11-28.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Jul 9, 2019
Publication Date Jul 9, 2019
Deposit Date Dec 15, 2022
Journal Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging
Print ISSN 2212-8794
Electronic ISSN 2212-8808
Publisher IOS Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Issue 1-2
Pages 11-28
Keywords Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging
Public URL
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