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Port sustainable services innovation: Ningbo port users’ expectation

Wang, Zun; Subramanian, Nachiappan; Abdulrahman, Muhammad D; Cui, Hong; Wu, Lin; Liu, Chang

Port sustainable services innovation: Ningbo port users’ expectation Thumbnail


Zun Wang

Nachiappan Subramanian

Muhammad D Abdulrahman

Hong Cui


Chang Liu


Port sustainable services innovation depends on understanding and matching customers' expectations with unique service offerings using advanced facilities. This study develops and validates a port sustainable services decision model to investigate customers' port services expectations based on the views of companies and freight services providers located in major cities nearby Ningbo port. Thus, the study will enable better understanding of the port's impact on sustainability of the economic and social prosperity of its immediate environment stakeholders by balancing three major aspects such as services, costs and facilities. The study employed a multi-criteria decision-making methodology Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze the model. The results show that while different port users have different views and expectations, port infrastructure improvement, cargo safety, and reductions in port charges are critical to attract businesses. Port-dependent companies that were investigated also cite reduced paper work and optimized e-business as well as reduced transport congestion as key areas for improvements. This study provides port administrators with insights on how to effectively improve business attractiveness for greater sustainability and competitive advantages with rival ports within the same geographical proximity. In addition it also suggests how to design cost-effective ways of meeting and even surpassing users' expectations.


Wang, Z., Subramanian, N., Abdulrahman, M. D., Cui, H., Wu, L., & Liu, C. (2017). Port sustainable services innovation: Ningbo port users’ expectation. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 11, 58-67.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 8, 2016
Online Publication Date Aug 23, 2016
Publication Date 2017-07
Deposit Date Nov 28, 2018
Publicly Available Date Jan 10, 2019
Journal Sustainable Production and Consumption
Electronic ISSN 2352-5509
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 11
Pages 58-67
Keywords Service innovation; sustainability; port services; users' expectations; China
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Nov 28, 2018


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