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End barrier shape optimizations and sensitivity analysis of synchrnous reluctance machines

Galea, Michael; Di Nardo, M.; Gerada, Chris; Palmieri, M.; Gerada, David; Cupertino, F.; Degano, Michele; Bianchi, Nicola


Michael Galea

M. Di Nardo

M. Palmieri

F. Cupertino

Nicola Bianchi


This paper presents an extensive study on the electromagnetic and structural influences of the end barrier shape of a Synchronous Reluctance Machine (SynRel). One of the most challenging tasks in designing these machines is to achieve a smooth torque and a mechanically robust structure, especially when high operating speed range is required. Several papers have already addressed the electromagnetic design problem related to the choice of the flux barriers thicknesses and positions. However a comprehensive work on the influence of the end part of the flux barrier on the electromagnetic and structural performance has not been yet presented. In this work two end barrier shapes are considered and optimized using the same methodology. Then the optimized machines have been deeply analyzed in terms of torque, torque ripple and rotor von Mises stress distribution. Furthermore, with the aim to further investigate the influence of such end barrier shape, a detailed sensitivity analysis is presented. In conclusion, general guidelines for the structural and electromagnetic design of such end barrier shape are drawn.


Galea, M., Di Nardo, M., Gerada, C., Palmieri, M., Gerada, D., Cupertino, F., Degano, M., & Bianchi, N. (2015, November). End barrier shape optimizations and sensitivity analysis of synchrnous reluctance machines. Presented at End barrier shape optimizations and sensitivity analysis of synchrnous reluctance machines, Yokohama, Japan

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name End barrier shape optimizations and sensitivity analysis of synchrnous reluctance machines
Start Date Nov 9, 2015
End Date Nov 12, 2015
Acceptance Date Nov 9, 2015
Online Publication Date Jan 28, 2016
Publication Date Nov 9, 2015
Deposit Date Jul 6, 2018
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
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