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Une corde de plus à l’arc de tout le monde’ : L’usage de la photographie chez Balzac et Hugo

Yacavone, Kathrin


Kathrin Yacavone


This illustrated article appeared in the first major publication on the photographic representation of the author, based in part on a landmark conference at the famous Cerisy-la-Salle venue in France in 2014. Demonstrating that Balzac’s and Hugo’s authorial personae were constructed in close textual/cultural dialogue between their literary works and the iconography of their photographic portraits, the article highlights significant findings from my archival research on Balzac’s and Hugo’s uses of photography. This includes a rare photographically illustrated edition of Hugo’s poetry collection Les Contemplations (1856), likely the first literary work in France which includes photographic portraits of the author.


Yacavone, K. (2017). Une corde de plus à l’arc de tout le monde’ : L’usage de la photographie chez Balzac et Hugo. L'Écrivain vu par la photographie : Formes, usages, enjeux. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes

Publication Date Mar 2, 2017
Deposit Date Mar 4, 2017
Book Title L'Écrivain vu par la photographie : Formes, usages, enjeux
ISBN 9782753552159
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