Infrastructures for Virtual Volunteering at Online Music Festivals
Journal Article
Benford, S., Manninen, K., Martindale, S., Hazzard, A., Avila, J. P. M., Tennent, P., Spence, J., Castle-Green, T., Brundell, P., Barnard, P., & Darzentas, D. P. (2023). Infrastructures for Virtual Volunteering at Online Music Festivals. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1), 1-26.
Volunteering benefits recipients, volunteers, communities, and society, while digital technologies establish new opportunities for virtual volunteering. We describe how volunteers transitioned the UK's long-established Oxjam grassroots music festival... Read More about Infrastructures for Virtual Volunteering at Online Music Festivals.