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Outputs (3)

Wnt/GSK-3β mediates posttranslational modifications of FLYWCH1 to regulate intestinal epithelial function and tumorigenesis in the colon (2024)
Journal Article
Almozyan, S., Babaei-Jadidi, R., Aljohani, A., Youssefi, S., Dalleywater, W., Kadam, P., Spencer-Dene, B., Rakha, E., Ilyas, M., & Shams Nateri, A. (2025). Wnt/GSK-3β mediates posttranslational modifications of FLYWCH1 to regulate intestinal epithelial function and tumorigenesis in the colon. Cancer Communications, 45(1), 9-14.

Can angiotropism and lymphovascular invasion refine the current cutaneous melanoma staging system? (2023)
Journal Article
Namubiru, P., Dalleywater, W., Lashin, S., & Elsheikh, S. (2024). Can angiotropism and lymphovascular invasion refine the current cutaneous melanoma staging system?. Journal of Cutaneous Pathology, 51(4), 288-298.

Background: Several prognostic factors for primary cutaneous melanoma (PCM) have been identified, and these predict metastasis and survival, to a certain extent. We sought to determine the frequency of angiotropism (AT) and lymphovascular invasion (L... Read More about Can angiotropism and lymphovascular invasion refine the current cutaneous melanoma staging system?.

Disproportionate Expression of ATM in Cerebellar Cortex During Human Neurodevelopment (2023)
Journal Article
Deacon, S., Dalleywater, W., Peat, C., Paine, S. M., & Dineen, R. A. (2024). Disproportionate Expression of ATM in Cerebellar Cortex During Human Neurodevelopment. Cerebellum, 23(2), 502-511.

Cerebellar neurodegeneration is a classical feature of ataxia telangiectasia (A-T), an autosomal recessive condition caused by loss-of-function mutation of the ATM gene, a gene with multiple regulatory functions. The increased vulnerability of cerebe... Read More about Disproportionate Expression of ATM in Cerebellar Cortex During Human Neurodevelopment.