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Outputs (2)

Increasing lung screening uptake: Exploring people who smoke and their family members’ concerns and recommendations regarding screening invitations (2025)
Journal Article
Bell-Williams, R., Bains, M., Thorley, R., O' Dowd, E., Baldwin, D., & Murray, R. (2025). Increasing lung screening uptake: Exploring people who smoke and their family members’ concerns and recommendations regarding screening invitations. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 11(January), Article 1.

Challenges with designing invitation materials and accessing high risk communities are all factors in encouraging attendance at lung screening. This study focused on ways to improve participation in those potentially eligible for lung... Read More about Increasing lung screening uptake: Exploring people who smoke and their family members’ concerns and recommendations regarding screening invitations.

Defining the road map to a UK national lung cancer screening programme (2023)
Journal Article
O'Dowd, E. L., Lee, R. W., Akram, A. R., Bartlett, E. C., Bradley, S. H., Brain, K., Callister, M. E. J., Chen, Y., Devaraj, A., Eccles, S. R., Field, J. K., Fox, J., Grundy, S., Janes, S. M., Ledson, M., MacKean, M., Mackie, A., McManus, K. G., Murray, R. L., Nair, A., …Crosbie, P. (2023). Defining the road map to a UK national lung cancer screening programme. Lancet Oncology, 24(5), e207-e218.

Lung cancer screening with low-dose CT was recommended by the UK National Screening Committee (UKNSC) in September, 2022, on the basis of data from trials showing a reduction in lung cancer mortality. These trials provide sufficient evidence to show... Read More about Defining the road map to a UK national lung cancer screening programme.