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Collagen type III formation but not degradation is associated with risk of kidney disease progression and mortality after acute kidney injury (2024)
Journal Article
Sparding, N., Genovese, F., Karsdal, M. A., & Selby, N. M. (2025). Collagen type III formation but not degradation is associated with risk of kidney disease progression and mortality after acute kidney injury. Clinical Kidney Journal, 18(2), Article sfae413.


Acute kidney injury (AKI), a rapid decrease in kidney function, is associated with increased risk of adverse outcomes including development and progression of CKD. Kidney fibrosis is one of the pathological processes central to this AKI... Read More about Collagen type III formation but not degradation is associated with risk of kidney disease progression and mortality after acute kidney injury.

Prospective study of change in skin autofluorescence over time and mortality in people receiving hemodialysis (2024)
Journal Article
Viramontes-Hörner, D., Selby, N. M., & Taal, M. W. (2024). Prospective study of change in skin autofluorescence over time and mortality in people receiving hemodialysis. Kidney International Reports, 9(7), 2110-2116.

Introduction: Elevated skin autofluorescence (SAF), a measure of tissue accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), is a strong predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the hemodialysis population. However, prospective studi... Read More about Prospective study of change in skin autofluorescence over time and mortality in people receiving hemodialysis.

Assessment of Acute Kidney Injury using MRI (2024)
Journal Article
Selby, N. M., & Francis, S. T. (2025). Assessment of Acute Kidney Injury using MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 61(1), 25-41.

There has been growing interest in using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to describe and understand the pathophysiology of acute kidney injury (AKI). The ability to assess kidney blood flow, perfusion, oxygenation, and changes in tissue... Read More about Assessment of Acute Kidney Injury using MRI.