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Outputs (13)

Mode of Action of Psyllium in Reducing Gas Production from Inulin and its Interaction with Colonic Microbiota: A 24-hour, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Healthy Human Volunteers (2024)
Journal Article
Alhasani, A., Modasia, A., Anodiyil, M., Corsetti, M., Aliyu, A., Crooks, C., MARCIANI, L., Reid, J., Yakubov, G., Avery, A., Harris, H., Warren, F., & Spiller, R. (2024). Mode of Action of Psyllium in Reducing Gas Production from Inulin and its Interaction with Colonic Microbiota: A 24-hour, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Healthy Human Volunteers. Journal of Nutrition,

Recent studies show that the increase in breath hydrogen (BH2) and symptoms after ingestion of inulin are reduced by coadministering psyllium (PI).

To determine if slowing delivery of inulin to the colon by administering it... Read More about Mode of Action of Psyllium in Reducing Gas Production from Inulin and its Interaction with Colonic Microbiota: A 24-hour, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Healthy Human Volunteers.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation (2024)
Journal Article
Aliyu, A., Dellschaft, N., Hoad, C., Williams, H., Gaudoin, E., Sulaiman, S., Crooks, C., Gowland, P., Alexia, A., Lange, R., Bois de Fer, B., Corsetti, M., Marciani, L., & Spiller, R. (2024). Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics,

Bisacodyl is a widely used laxative that stimulates both motility and secretion. Our aim was to exploit the unique capabilities of MRI to define bisacodyl's mode of action. Two placebo-controlled cross-over trials were performed, one using a single d... Read More about Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation (2024)
Journal Article
Aliyu, A., Dellschaft, N., Hoad, C., Williams, H., Gaudoin, E., Sulaiman, S., Crooks, C., Gowland, P., Aran, A., Lange, R., Bois De Fer, B., Corsetti, M., Marciani, L., & Spiller, R. (2024). Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics,

Bisacodyl is a widely used laxative that stimulates both motility and secretion. Our aim was to exploit the unique capabilities of MRI to define bisacodyl's mode of action. Two placebo-controlled cross-over trials were performed, one using a single d... Read More about Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Novel Insights into the Dual Mode of Action of Bisacodyl: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial in Constipation.

Combined magnetic resonance imaging, high resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine shows the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study (2024)
Journal Article
Wilkinson-Smith, V., Scott, M., Menys, A., Wiklendt, L., MARCIANI, L., Atkinson, D., Sansone, S., Zdanavciene, A., Coupland, C., Knowles, C., Dinning, P., Taylor, S., Gowland, P., Hoad, C., Corsetti, M., & Spiller, R. (2025). Combined magnetic resonance imaging, high resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine shows the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study. Gut, 74(1), 35-44.

Colonic motility in constipation can be assessed non-invasively using MRI.

To compare MRI with high resolution colonic manometry (HRCM) for predicting treatment response.

Part 1: 44 healthy volunteers (HV), 43... Read More about Combined magnetic resonance imaging, high resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine shows the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study.

Combined MRI, high-resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine show the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study (2024)
Journal Article
Wilkinson-Smith, V., Scott, M., Menys, A., Wiklendt, L., Marciani, L., Atkinson, D., Sansone, S., Zdanaviciene, A., Coupland, C., Knowles, C. H., Dinning, P., Taylor, S. A., Gowland, P., Hoad, C. L., Corsetti, M., & Spiller, R. C. (2024). Combined MRI, high-resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine show the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study. Gut, 74(1), 35-44.

Background: Colonic motility in constipation can be assessed non-invasively using MRI.

Objective: To compare MRI with high-resolution colonic manometry (HRCM) for predicting treatment response.

Design: Part 1: 44 healthy volunteers (HVs), 43 pa... Read More about Combined MRI, high-resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine show the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study.

Functional Variation in Human CAZyme Genes in Relation to the Efficacy of a Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet in IBS Patients (2024)
Journal Article
Zamfir-Taranu, A., Löscher, B.-S., Carbone, F., Hoter, A., Esteban Blanco, C., Bozzarelli, I., Torices, L., Routhiaux, K., Van den Houte, K., Bonfiglio, F., Mayr, G., Corsetti, M., Naim, H. Y., Franke, A., Tack, J., & D’Amato, M. (2024). Functional Variation in Human CAZyme Genes in Relation to the Efficacy of a Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet in IBS Patients. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,

Background & Aims
Limiting the dietary intake of certain carbohydrates has therapeutic effects in some but not all irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients. We investigated genetic variation in human Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes (hCAZymes) genes in re... Read More about Functional Variation in Human CAZyme Genes in Relation to the Efficacy of a Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet in IBS Patients.

Pediatric to adult transition care in neurogastroenterology and motility: A position paper from the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society and European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (2024)
Journal Article
Butt, M. F., Groen, J., Corsetti, M., Jonker, C. A., Burton‐Murray, H., Carrington, E. V., Chang, L., Di Lorenzo, C., Ellis, J., Escher, J. C., Gorter, R. R., Jewell, S., Karrento, K., Koster, E. C., Nurko, S., Rosen, R., van Tilburg, M. A., Zarate-Lopez, N., & Benninga, M. A. (2024). Pediatric to adult transition care in neurogastroenterology and motility: A position paper from the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society and European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 36(10), Article e14869.

Transition services—programs that support adolescents and young adults (AYAs) as they move from a child‐centered to a more autonomous, adult‐orientated healthcare system—have been associated with improved short‐ and long‐term healthcare outcomes. Unf... Read More about Pediatric to adult transition care in neurogastroenterology and motility: A position paper from the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society and European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility.

Evaluation of the mechanism of action of paracetamol, drotaverine, and peppermint oil and their effects in combination with hyoscine butylbromide on colonic motility: Human ex-vivo study (2024)
Journal Article
Traserra, S., Barber, C., Gerardo Alcalá-González, L., Landolfi, S., Lange, R., Malagelada, C., Corsetti, M., & Jimenez, M. (2024). Evaluation of the mechanism of action of paracetamol, drotaverine, and peppermint oil and their effects in combination with hyoscine butylbromide on colonic motility: Human ex-vivo study. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 15, Article 1384070.

Introduction: Drotaverine, paracetamol, and peppermint oil are often prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal spasm and pain. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of these drugs alone and combined with the well-known antispasmodic hyoscine... Read More about Evaluation of the mechanism of action of paracetamol, drotaverine, and peppermint oil and their effects in combination with hyoscine butylbromide on colonic motility: Human ex-vivo study.