Guidelines for the management of mature T‐ and natural killer‐cell lymphomas (excluding cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma): a British Society for Haematology Guideline
Journal Article
Fox, C. P., Ahearne, M. J., Pettengell, R., Dearden, C., El-Sharkawi, D., Kassam, S., Cook, L., Cwynarski, K., Illidge, T., & Collins, G. (2022). Guidelines for the management of mature T‐ and natural killer‐cell lymphomas (excluding cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma): a British Society for Haematology Guideline. British Journal of Haematology, 196(3), 507-522.
Outputs (15)
A phase 1/2 study of thiotepa-based immunochemotherapy in relapsed/refractory primary CNS lymphoma: the TIER trial (2021)
Journal Article
Fox, C. P., Ali, A. S., McIlroy, G., Thust, S., Martinez-Calle, N., Jackson, A. E., Hopkins, L. M., Thomas, C. M., Kassam, S., Wright, J., Chaganti, S., Smith, J., Chau, I., Culligan, D., Linton, K. M., Collins, G. P., Ferreri, A. J. M., Lewis, D., Davies, A. J., Johnson, R., …Cwynarski, K. (2021). A phase 1/2 study of thiotepa-based immunochemotherapy in relapsed/refractory primary CNS lymphoma: the TIER trial. Blood Advances, 5(20), 4073-4082. or refractory primary central nervous system lymphoma (rrPCNSL) confers a poor prognosis with no accepted standard of care. Very few prospective studies have been conducted in this patient group. This study was a multicenter phase 1/2 study... Read More about A phase 1/2 study of thiotepa-based immunochemotherapy in relapsed/refractory primary CNS lymphoma: the TIER trial.
Population‐based cohort study of the efficacy of brentuximab vedotin in relapsed systemic anaplastic large‐cell lymphoma using Public Health England data (2021)
Journal Article
Halligan, S. J., Grainge, M. J., Martinez-Calle, N., Fox, C. P., & Bishton, M. J. (2022). Population‐based cohort study of the efficacy of brentuximab vedotin in relapsed systemic anaplastic large‐cell lymphoma using Public Health England data. British Journal of Haematology, 196(4), 932-938. anaplastic large cell lymphoma (sALCL) is a rare T-cell lymphoma associated with poor prognosis after relapse. The immuno-conjugate Brentuximab Vedotin (BV) first became available for relapsed sALCL in England in 2013, following the results... Read More about Population‐based cohort study of the efficacy of brentuximab vedotin in relapsed systemic anaplastic large‐cell lymphoma using Public Health England data.
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in patients older than 65 years: analysis of 3 year Real World data of practice patterns and outcomes in England (2021)
Journal Article
Hounsome, L., Eyre, T. A., Ireland, R., Hodson, A., Walewska, R., Ardeshna, K., Chaganti, S., McKay, P., Davies, A., Fox, C. P., Kalakonda, N., & Fields, P. A. (2022). Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in patients older than 65 years: analysis of 3 year Real World data of practice patterns and outcomes in England. British Journal of Cancer, 126(1), 134-143. We wished to examine treatment and outcome patterns in older diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients, with a focus on the effect of route-to-diagnosis to outcome. Methods: Data were extracted from Public Health England’s National C... Read More about Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in patients older than 65 years: analysis of 3 year Real World data of practice patterns and outcomes in England.
Relapsed and refractory primary CNS lymphoma: treatment approaches in routine practice (2021)
Journal Article
Ambady, P., Doolittle, N. D., & Fox, C. P. (2021). Relapsed and refractory primary CNS lymphoma: treatment approaches in routine practice. Annals of Lymphoma, 5, Article 23.
Matching-adjusted indirect treatment comparison of liso-cel versus axi-cel in relapsed or refractory large B cell lymphoma (2021)
Journal Article
Maloney, D. G., Kuruvilla, J., Liu, F. F., Kostic, A., Kim, Y., Bonner, A., Zhang, Y., Fox, C. P., & Cartron, G. (2021). Matching-adjusted indirect treatment comparison of liso-cel versus axi-cel in relapsed or refractory large B cell lymphoma. Journal of Hematology and Oncology, 14(1), Article 140. In the absence of randomized studies directly comparing chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapies, this study used matching-adjusted indirect comparisons (MAIC) to evaluate the comparative efficacy and safety of lisocabtagene maraleucel... Read More about Matching-adjusted indirect treatment comparison of liso-cel versus axi-cel in relapsed or refractory large B cell lymphoma.
Improved survival outcomes despite older age at diagnosis: an era‐by‐era analysis of patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma treated at a single referral centre in the United Kingdom (2021)
Journal Article
Kaji, F. A., Martinez‐Calle, N., Bishton, M. J., Figueroa, R., Adlington, J., O’Donoghue, M., Smith, S., Byrne, P., Paine, S., Sovani, V., Auer, D., James, E., Bessell, E. M., Grainge, M. J., & Fox, C. P. (2021). Improved survival outcomes despite older age at diagnosis: an era‐by‐era analysis of patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma treated at a single referral centre in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Haematology, 195(4), 561-570. studies with long-term follow-up of patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) are scarce. Patient data over a period of four decades were retrospectively analysed from databases at Not-tingham University Hospitals Tr... Read More about Improved survival outcomes despite older age at diagnosis: an era‐by‐era analysis of patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma treated at a single referral centre in the United Kingdom.
Antibody responses after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in patients with lymphoma (2021)
Journal Article
Lim, S. H., Campbell, N., Johnson, M., Joseph-Pietras, D., Collins, G. P., O'Callaghan, A., Fox, C. P., Ahearne, M., Johnson, P. W. M., Goldblatt, D., & Davies, A. J. (2021). Antibody responses after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in patients with lymphoma. Lancet Haematology, 8(8), e542-e544.
Interpretation of retrospective data evaluating high‐dose methotrexate as central nervous system prophylaxis in diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma; caution required (2021)
Journal Article
Martinez‐Calle, N., Wilson, M. R., Eyre, T. A., Cwynarski, K., McKay, P., & Fox, C. P. (2021). Interpretation of retrospective data evaluating high‐dose methotrexate as central nervous system prophylaxis in diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma; caution required. American Journal of Hematology, 96(9), E338-E339.
Systemic ALCL Treated in Routine Clinical Practice: Outcomes Following First-Line Chemotherapy from a Multicentre Cohort (2021)
Journal Article
Martinez-Calle, N., Kirkwood, A. A., Lamb, M., Smith, A., Khwaja, J., Manos, K., Shrubsole, C., Gray, N., Lewis, K., Tivey, A., Bishton, M. J., Hawkes, E., Ahearne, M. J., Osborne, W., Collins, G. P., Illidge, T., Linton, K. M., Cwynarski, K., Burton, C., & Fox, C. P. (2021). Systemic ALCL Treated in Routine Clinical Practice: Outcomes Following First-Line Chemotherapy from a Multicentre Cohort. Advances in Therapy, 38(7), 3789-3802. Brentuximab vedotin (BV)-CHP is the new standard regimen for first-line treatment of systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (sALCL). We undertook a retrospective analysis of consecutive patients diagnosed with sALCL, treated in routine... Read More about Systemic ALCL Treated in Routine Clinical Practice: Outcomes Following First-Line Chemotherapy from a Multicentre Cohort.