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Outputs (14)

Using a novel smartphone app to track noise and vibration exposure during neonatal ambulance transport (2025)
Journal Article
Partridge, T., Leslie, A., Mistry, A., Simpson, R. B., Morris, D. E., McNally, D., Crowe, J., & Sharkey, D. (2025). Using a novel smartphone app to track noise and vibration exposure during neonatal ambulance transport. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition,

Objective To assess the utility of a bespoke smartphone app to map noise and vibration exposure across neonatal road ambulance journeys.

Design and setting Prospective observational study of ambulance journeys across a large UK neonatal transport... Read More about Using a novel smartphone app to track noise and vibration exposure during neonatal ambulance transport.

Rapid Gram-Scale Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Organic Anodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries with Environmental Impact Assessment (2025)
Journal Article
Puscalau, C., Desai, A. V., Lizundia, E., Ettlinger, R., Adam, M., Morris, R., Armstrong, A. R., Tokay, B., & Laybourn, A. (2025). Rapid Gram-Scale Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Organic Anodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries with Environmental Impact Assessment. Green Chemistry,

Development of sustainable synthesis methods of organic electrode materials (OEMs) for sodium (Na)-ion batteries must take hold rapidly in large scale-synthesis if subsequent commercialisation is to occur. We report a facile and rapid gram-scale synt... Read More about Rapid Gram-Scale Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Organic Anodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries with Environmental Impact Assessment.

A reduced-order model for advection-dominated problems based on the Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform (2025)
Journal Article
Long, T., Barnett, R., Jefferson-Loveday, R., Stabile, G., & Icardi, M. (2025). A reduced-order model for advection-dominated problems based on the Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 51(1),

Problems with dominant advection, discontinuities, travelling features, or shape variations are widespread in computational mechanics. However, classical linear model reduction and interpolation methods typically fail to reproduce even relatively sma... Read More about A reduced-order model for advection-dominated problems based on the Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform.

Development of C. albican Anti-attachment Inkjet 3D Printing Ink, via High Throughput Screening (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yong, L. X., Zhou, Z., Vallières, C., He, Y., Cuzzucoli Crucitti, V., Alexander, M. R., Avery, S., Wildman, R., & Irvine, D. (2024, August). Development of C. albican Anti-attachment Inkjet 3D Printing Ink, via High Throughput Screening. Presented at International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Singapore, Singapore

The fungal pathogen Candida albicans (C. albicans) is particularly problematic for immunocompromised patients and those with medical implants. Introducing Candida-resistant medical devices could potentially reduce mortality rates from such infections... Read More about Development of C. albican Anti-attachment Inkjet 3D Printing Ink, via High Throughput Screening.