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Ethanol via biomass-generated syngas (2008)
Journal Article
Lewis, R., Frankman, A., Tanner, R., Ahmed, A., & Huhnke, R. (2008). Ethanol via biomass-generated syngas. International Sugar Journal, 110(1311), 150-152, 154-155 ref. 22

Developing low-cost sustainable fuels, such as ethanol, is receiving much attention due to rising energy costs, national security, and environmental issues. Renewable biomass, such as switchgrass, can be utilized to produce fuel-grade ethanol via a g... Read More about Ethanol via biomass-generated syngas.

Feed-forward space vector modulation for single-phase multilevel cascaded converters with any DC voltage ratio (2008)
Journal Article
Leon, J. I., Vazquez, S., Watson, A. J., Franquelo, L. G., Wheeler, P. W., & Carrasco, J. M. (2009). Feed-forward space vector modulation for single-phase multilevel cascaded converters with any DC voltage ratio. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 56(2), 315-325.

Modulation techniques for multilevel converters can create distorted output voltages and currents if the dc-link voltages are unbalanced. This situation can be avoided if the instantaneous dc voltage error is not taken into account in the modulation... Read More about Feed-forward space vector modulation for single-phase multilevel cascaded converters with any DC voltage ratio.

Predictive current control of an induction machine fed by a matrix converter with reactive power control (2008)
Journal Article
Vargas, R., Rodriguez, J., Ammann, U., & Wheeler, P. W. (2008). Predictive current control of an induction machine fed by a matrix converter with reactive power control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 55(12), 4362 - 4371.

A different approach to perform the control of an induction machine fed by a matrix converter (MC) is presented in this paper. The proposed technique is based on predictive control and effectively controls input and output variables to the power conv... Read More about Predictive current control of an induction machine fed by a matrix converter with reactive power control.

The control of chlorophyll catabolism and the status of yellowing as a biomarker of leaf senescence (2008)
Journal Article
Ougham, H., Hörtensteiner, S., Armstead, I., Donnison, I., King, I., Thomas, H., & Mur, L. (2008). The control of chlorophyll catabolism and the status of yellowing as a biomarker of leaf senescence. Plant Biology, 10, 4-14.

The pathway of chlorophyll catabolism during leaf senescence is known in a fair amount of biochemical and cell biological detail. In the last few years, genes encoding a number of the catabolic enzymes have been characterized, including the key ring‐... Read More about The control of chlorophyll catabolism and the status of yellowing as a biomarker of leaf senescence.

Three-Dimensional Feedforward Space Vector Modulation Applied to Multilevel Diode-Clamped Converters (2008)
Journal Article
Leon, J. I., Vazquez, S., Portillo, R., Franquelo, L. G., Carrasco, J. M., Wheeler, P. W., & Watson, A. J. (2009). Three-Dimensional Feedforward Space Vector Modulation Applied to Multilevel Diode-Clamped Converters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 56(1), 101-109.

Simplified space vector modulation (SVM) techniques for multilevel converters are being developed to improve factors such as the computational cost, number of commutations, and voltage distortion. The feedforward SVM presented in this paper takes int... Read More about Three-Dimensional Feedforward Space Vector Modulation Applied to Multilevel Diode-Clamped Converters.

Molecular and functional mapping of regional differences in P2Y receptor expression in the rat lens (2008)
Journal Article
Hu, R. G., Suzuki-Kerr, H., Webb, K. F., Rhodes, J. D., Collison, D. J., Duncan, G., & Donaldson, P. J. (2008). Molecular and functional mapping of regional differences in P2Y receptor expression in the rat lens. Experimental Eye Research, 87(2), 137-146.

Extracellular ATP has been shown to mobilize intracellular Ca2+ in cultured ovine lens epithelial cells and in human lens epithelium, suggesting a role for purines in the modulation of lens transparency. In this study, we characterized the expression... Read More about Molecular and functional mapping of regional differences in P2Y receptor expression in the rat lens.

Differentiation-dependent changes in the membrane properties of fiber cells isolated from the rat lens (2008)
Journal Article
Webb, K. F., & Donaldson, P. J. (2008). Differentiation-dependent changes in the membrane properties of fiber cells isolated from the rat lens. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 294(5), C1133-C1145.

Impedance measurements in whole lenses showed that lens fiber cells possess different permeability properties to the epithelial cells from which they differentiate. To confirm these observations at the cellular level, we analyzed the membrane propert... Read More about Differentiation-dependent changes in the membrane properties of fiber cells isolated from the rat lens.

Effect of specimen preparation method on the stress-strain behavior of sand in plane-strain compression tests (2008)
Journal Article
Wanatowski, D., & Chu, J. (2008). Effect of specimen preparation method on the stress-strain behavior of sand in plane-strain compression tests. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 31(4),

Experimental results are presented in this paper to study the effect of specimen preparation method on the stress-strain behavior of sand in plane-strain compression tests. The data obtained from K0 consolidation, drained, undrained and strain path t... Read More about Effect of specimen preparation method on the stress-strain behavior of sand in plane-strain compression tests.

Nanoscale characterisation of MBE-grown GaMnN / (001) GaAs (2008)
Book Chapter
Fay, M. W., Han, Y., Novikov, S. V., Edmonds, K., Gallagher, B., Campion, R., Staddon, C., Foxon, C., & Brown, P. D. (2008). Nanoscale characterisation of MBE-grown GaMnN / (001) GaAs. In A. Cullis, & P. Midgley (Eds.), Microscopy of semiconducting materials 2007: proceedings of the 15th conference, 2-5 April 2007, Cambridge, UK. Springer-Verlag

The growth of cubic (Ga,Mn)N/(001)GaAs heterostructures by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy has been appraised as a function of Ga:N ratio, Mn concentration and growth temperature. The combined analytical techniques of EFTEM, EDX, CBED and dark... Read More about Nanoscale characterisation of MBE-grown GaMnN / (001) GaAs.