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Outputs (22)

An experimental demonstration of neuromorphic sensing of chemical species using electro-optical reservoir computing (2024)
Journal Article
Anufriev, G., Furniss, D., Farries, M. C., Seddon, A. B., & Phang, S. (2024). An experimental demonstration of neuromorphic sensing of chemical species using electro-optical reservoir computing. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 27915.

A chemical discrimination system based on photonic reservoir computing is demonstrated experimentally for the first time. The system is inspired by the way humans perceive and process visual sensory information. The electro-optical reservoir computin... Read More about An experimental demonstration of neuromorphic sensing of chemical species using electro-optical reservoir computing.

Experimental and numerical validation of tape-based metasurfaces in guiding high-frequency surface waves for efficient power transfer (2024)
Journal Article
Suzuki, K., Dang, P. T., Homma, H., Fathnan, A. A., Ashikaga, Y., Tsuchiya, Y., Phang, S., & Wakatsuchi, H. (2024). Experimental and numerical validation of tape-based metasurfaces in guiding high-frequency surface waves for efficient power transfer. Applied Physics Letters, 125(18), Article 181701.

We present an effective method for transmitting electromagnetic waves as surface waves with a tape-based metasurface design. This design incorporates silver square patches periodically patterned on an adhesive tape substrate. Specifically, our study... Read More about Experimental and numerical validation of tape-based metasurfaces in guiding high-frequency surface waves for efficient power transfer.

Assessment of the performance of fibre optic sensor designs based on two FBGs (2024)
Journal Article
Palmowski, J., Barczak, K., Kubicka, N., Gołek, F., Benson, L., Maciak, E., Pustelny, T., Phang, S., Benson, T., & Bereś-Pawlik, E. (2024). Assessment of the performance of fibre optic sensor designs based on two FBGs. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 56(7), Article 1129.

The paper presents, and compares the performance of, two optical sensing systems each based on a combination of two fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and where a simple measurement of transmitted or reflected power provides an alternative to specialist int... Read More about Assessment of the performance of fibre optic sensor designs based on two FBGs.

Improved Numerical Estimation Method for Surface Wave Attenuation on Metasurfaces (2024)
Journal Article
Suzuki, K., Dang, P. T., Homma, H., Fathnan, A. A., Phang, S., & Wakatsuchi, H. (2024). Improved Numerical Estimation Method for Surface Wave Attenuation on Metasurfaces. Advanced Theory and Simulations, 7(6), Article 2301173.

Comprehensive numerical tools to investigate and analyze the surface wave attenuation on a metasurface waveguide that consists of periodic patches deposited on a dielectric substrate are presented. The surface wave attenuation is evaluated in both wa... Read More about Improved Numerical Estimation Method for Surface Wave Attenuation on Metasurfaces.

Short review and prospective: chalcogenide glass mid-infrared fibre lasers (2024)
Journal Article
Seddon, A. B., Farries, M., Nunes, J. J., Xiao, B., Furniss, D., Barney, E., Phang, S., Chahal, S., Kalfagiannis, N., Sojka, Ł., & Sujecki, S. (2024). Short review and prospective: chalcogenide glass mid-infrared fibre lasers. European Physical Journal Plus, 139(2), Article 142.

Rare-earth ion doped, silica glass, optical fibre amplifiers have transformed the world by enabling high speed communications and the Internet. Fibre lasers, based on rare-earth ion doped silica glass optical fibres, achieve high optical powers and a... Read More about Short review and prospective: chalcogenide glass mid-infrared fibre lasers.

Simulation of a Sensitive Mid-infrared (MIR) D-Shaped Optical Fiber Water Pollutant Sensor (2023)
Journal Article
Younis, B. M., Dawood, N. Y. M., Abd-Elkader, A. E.-S., Furniss, D., Farries, M., Phang, S., Benson, T. M., Seddon, A. B., Hameed, M. F. O., & Obayya, S. S. A. (2024). Simulation of a Sensitive Mid-infrared (MIR) D-Shaped Optical Fiber Water Pollutant Sensor. Plasmonics, 19(4), 1823-1838.

In this work, an efficient optical sensor is proposed for the sensitive detection of various pollutants in water. The suggested optical sensor is based on an indium fluoride (InF3) glass fabricated as a D-shaped optical fiber. The polished surface of... Read More about Simulation of a Sensitive Mid-infrared (MIR) D-Shaped Optical Fiber Water Pollutant Sensor.

SARIS: Scattering Aware Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Model and Optimization for Complex Propagation Channels (2023)
Journal Article
Mursia, P., Phang, S., Sciancalepore, V., Gradoni, G., & Di Renzo, M. (2023). SARIS: Scattering Aware Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Model and Optimization for Complex Propagation Channels. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 12(11), 1921-1925.

The reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is an emerging technology that changes how wireless networks are perceived, therefore its potential benefits and applications are currently under intense research and investigation. In this letter, we focu... Read More about SARIS: Scattering Aware Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Model and Optimization for Complex Propagation Channels.

Simultaneous Study of Fluorescence and Transmission Based on a Sensor with a Doped Optical Fibre (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kubicka, N., Gołek, F., Palmowski, J., Phang, S., Benson, T., & Bereś-Pawlik, E. (2023, July). Simultaneous Study of Fluorescence and Transmission Based on a Sensor with a Doped Optical Fibre. Presented at 2023 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Bucharest, Romania

The paper presents a model sensor system for the simultaneous measurement of fluorescence and transmission for potential application in medical diagnostics. The paper presents results connected with the test substance, fluorescein. The sensor used in... Read More about Simultaneous Study of Fluorescence and Transmission Based on a Sensor with a Doped Optical Fibre.

Photonic reservoir computing enabled by stimulated Brillouin scattering (2023)
Journal Article
Phang, S. (2023). Photonic reservoir computing enabled by stimulated Brillouin scattering. Optics Express, 31(13), 22061-22074.

Artificial intelligence (AI) drives the creation of future technologies that disrupt the way humans live and work, creating new solutions that change the way we approach tasks and activities, but it requires a lot of data processing, large amounts of... Read More about Photonic reservoir computing enabled by stimulated Brillouin scattering.

Optical strain sensor with dual fibre Bragg grating topology (2023)
Journal Article
Palmowski, J., Barczak, K., Kubicka, N., Gołek, F., Benson, L., Maciak, E., Pustelny, T., Phang, S., Benson, T., & Bereś-Pawlik, E. (2023). Optical strain sensor with dual fibre Bragg grating topology. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 55(5), Article 453.

The paper presents the design, operation, and proof of principle realisation and validation of a relatively cheap fibre optic strain sensor based on two fibre Bragg grating (FBG) elements with different spectral responses. Its performance is compared... Read More about Optical strain sensor with dual fibre Bragg grating topology.