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Covalent co-assembly between resilin-like polypeptide and peptide amphiphile into hydrogels with controlled nanostructure and improved mechanical properties (2019)
Journal Article
Okesola, B. O., Lau, H. K., Derkus, B., Boccorh, D. K., Wu, Y., Wark, A. W., Kiick, K. L., & Mata, A. (2020). Covalent co-assembly between resilin-like polypeptide and peptide amphiphile into hydrogels with controlled nanostructure and improved mechanical properties. Biomaterials Science, 8(3), 846-857.

Covalent co-assembly holds great promise for the fabrication of hydrogels with controllable nanostructure, versatile chemical composition, and enhanced mechanical properties given its relative simplicity, high efficiency, and bond stability. This rep... Read More about Covalent co-assembly between resilin-like polypeptide and peptide amphiphile into hydrogels with controlled nanostructure and improved mechanical properties.