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Outputs (573)

What does it take to get elected in a post-communist democracy? Explaining the success and failure of parliamentary candidates in Estonia (2015)
Journal Article
Trumm, S. (2016). What does it take to get elected in a post-communist democracy? Explaining the success and failure of parliamentary candidates in Estonia. East European Politics and Societies, 30(1),

The literature on post-communist democracies has traditionally suggested that organisational strength is considerably less important for electoral success than extensive media-based campaigns. Recent studies on party-level electoral dynamics, however... Read More about What does it take to get elected in a post-communist democracy? Explaining the success and failure of parliamentary candidates in Estonia.

Echo chambers and online radicalism: assessing the Internet's complicity in violent extremism (2015)
Journal Article
O'Hara, K., & Stevens, D. (in press). Echo chambers and online radicalism: assessing the Internet's complicity in violent extremism. Policy and Internet, 7(4),

This article considers claims made by various authors that the use of filtering and recommendation technology on the Internet can deprive certain communities of feedback, and instead amplify groups' viewpoints, leading to polarization of opinion acro... Read More about Echo chambers and online radicalism: assessing the Internet's complicity in violent extremism.

A move to majoritarian nationalism?: challenges of representation in South Asia (2015)
Journal Article
Adeney, K. (2015). A move to majoritarian nationalism?: challenges of representation in South Asia. Representation, 51(1),

Despite India’s status as the world’s largest democracy and increasing turnouts in many of the countries of South Asia, recent elections raise concerns about the threat to democracy in the form of majoritarianism. Many of the countries of South Asia... Read More about A move to majoritarian nationalism?: challenges of representation in South Asia.

Slavery as a Social Institution (2015)
Book Chapter
Bales, K. (2015). Slavery as a Social Institution. In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (43-48). (2nd). Elsevier

Voting procedures and parliamentary representation in the European Parliament (2015)
Journal Article
Trumm, S. (2015). Voting procedures and parliamentary representation in the European Parliament. Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(5),

Parliamentary representation is a fluid concept. Yet, while the behaviour of elected representatives during roll call votes has been widely analysed, we know little about how parliamentarians act when their individual voting choices are not made publ... Read More about Voting procedures and parliamentary representation in the European Parliament.

Risky business: factor analysis of survey data – assessing the probability of incorrect dimensionalisation (2015)
Journal Article
van der Eijk, C., & Rose, J. (2015). Risky business: factor analysis of survey data – assessing the probability of incorrect dimensionalisation. PLoS ONE, 10(3), Article 0118900.

This paper undertakes a systematic assessment of the extent to which factor analysis the correct number of latent dimensions (factors) when applied to ordered categorical survey items (so-called Likert items). We simulate 2400 data sets of uni-dimens... Read More about Risky business: factor analysis of survey data – assessing the probability of incorrect dimensionalisation.

Rating the UK: the British government's sovereign credit ratings, 1976–8 (2015)
Journal Article
Gill, D. J. (2015). Rating the UK: the British government's sovereign credit ratings, 1976–8. Economic History Review, 68(3), 1016-1037.

The UK received its first sovereign credit ratings in 1978. Despite having required financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund only 18 months earlier, the British government managed to secure ‘triple-A’ ratings from both Standard and P... Read More about Rating the UK: the British government's sovereign credit ratings, 1976–8.

Modern slavery research: the UK picture (2015)
Bales, K., Hedwards, B., Silverman, B., Costaguta, L., Trodd, Z., & Wright, N. (2015). Modern slavery research: the UK picture. Independent Anti Slavery Commissioner's Office

Parallels, prescience and the past: analogical reasoning and contemporary international politics (2014)
Journal Article
Mumford, A. (2015). Parallels, prescience and the past: analogical reasoning and contemporary international politics. International Politics, 52(1),

Analogical reasoning has held a perpetual appeal to policymakers who have often drafted in historical metaphor as a mode of informing decision-making. However, this article contends that since the beginning of the ‘War on Terror’ we have arguably see... Read More about Parallels, prescience and the past: analogical reasoning and contemporary international politics.

The Iron Cage of Liberalism: International Politics and Unarmed Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa (2014)
Ritter, D. (2014). The Iron Cage of Liberalism: International Politics and Unarmed Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa. Oxford University Press.

Revolutions no longer stand to be recognized. In contrast to the processes of political and social change spearheaded—and romanticized—by revolutionaries like Lenin and Mao, contemporary revolutions no longer require violent struggle in order to secu... Read More about The Iron Cage of Liberalism: International Politics and Unarmed Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa.