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Outputs (573)

Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement (2022)
Nicholson, A. (2022). Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement. Cambridge University Press (CUP).

Since the 1990s, modern slavery has been recognized as a global problem, with campaigners around the world providing assessments of its nature and extent, its drivers, and possible solutions for ending it. However, largely absent from the global anti... Read More about Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement.

Nuclear war as a predictable surprise (2022)
Journal Article
Rendall, M. (2022). Nuclear war as a predictable surprise. Global Policy, 13(5), 782-791.

Like asteroids, hundred-year floods and pandemic disease, thermonuclear war is a low-frequency, high-impact threat. In the long run, catastrophe is inevitable if nothing is done − yet each successive government and generation may fail to address it.... Read More about Nuclear war as a predictable surprise.

British “Black” Productions: Forgeries, Front Groups, and Propaganda, 1951–1977 (2022)
Journal Article
Cormac, R. (2022). British “Black” Productions: Forgeries, Front Groups, and Propaganda, 1951–1977. Journal of Cold War Studies, 24(3), 4-42.

Recently declassified files reveal a sustained black propaganda campaign conducted by the United Kingdom at the height of the Cold War. This article examines around 350 operations in which the UK spread propaganda through forgeries and notional group... Read More about British “Black” Productions: Forgeries, Front Groups, and Propaganda, 1951–1977.

Regime change and religious discrimination after the Arab uprisings (2022)
Journal Article
Klocek, J., Ha, H. J., & Sumaktoyo, N. G. (2023). Regime change and religious discrimination after the Arab uprisings. Journal of Peace Research, 60(3), 489-503.

This article investigates how and when regime transitions intensify minority discrimination through an analysis of two types of religious persecution following the Arab uprisings. We argue that weakened institutions and the prevalence of religious ou... Read More about Regime change and religious discrimination after the Arab uprisings.

Varieties of connections, varieties of corruption: Evidence from bureaucrats in five countries (2022)
Journal Article
Harris, A., Meyer-Sahling, J. H., Sass, K., Schuster, C., & Sigman, R. (2023). Varieties of connections, varieties of corruption: Evidence from bureaucrats in five countries. Governance, 36(3), 953-972.

Why do some bureaucrats engage in corruption for personal gain, yet others for political gain? We show that these forms of corruption frequently do not coincide and offer an explanation: bureaucrats hired based on political and personal connections h... Read More about Varieties of connections, varieties of corruption: Evidence from bureaucrats in five countries.

Contemporary slavery in armed conflict: Introducing the CSAC dataset, 1989–2016 (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, A., Datta, M. N., & Bales, K. (2023). Contemporary slavery in armed conflict: Introducing the CSAC dataset, 1989–2016. Journal of Peace Research, 60(2), 362-372.

We introduce a new dataset, Contemporary Slavery in Armed Conflict (CSAC), coding instances and types of enslavement in armed conflict from 1989 to 2016, building on Uppsala Conflict Data Program data. CSAC currently covers 171 armed conflicts from 1... Read More about Contemporary slavery in armed conflict: Introducing the CSAC dataset, 1989–2016.

"I bought you. You are my wife": "Modern Slavery" and Forced Marriage (2022)
Journal Article
McCabe, H., & Eglen, L. (in press). "I bought you. You are my wife": "Modern Slavery" and Forced Marriage. Journal of Human Trafficking,

Forced marriage is identified as a serious global challenge and has recently been linked to modern slavery. In this article we seek to understand how slavery, institutions and practices similar to slavery, and other forms of exploitation are linked t... Read More about "I bought you. You are my wife": "Modern Slavery" and Forced Marriage.

Are Republicans and Conservatives More Likely to Believe Conspiracy Theories? (2022)
Journal Article
Enders, A., Farhart, C., Miller, J., Uscinski, J., Saunders, K., & Drochon, H. (2023). Are Republicans and Conservatives More Likely to Believe Conspiracy Theories?. Political Behavior, 45, 2001-2024.

A sizable literature tracing back to Richard Hofstadter’s The Paranoid Style (1964) argues that Republicans and conservatives are more likely to believe conspiracy theories than Democrats and liberals. However, the evidence for this proposition is mi... Read More about Are Republicans and Conservatives More Likely to Believe Conspiracy Theories?.

Have beliefs in conspiracy theories increased over time? (2022)
Journal Article
Uscinski, J., Enders, A., Klofstad, C., Seelig, M., Drochon, H., Premaratne, K., & Murthi, M. (2022). Have beliefs in conspiracy theories increased over time?. PLoS ONE, 17(7), Article e0270429.

The public is convinced that beliefs in conspiracy theories are increasing, and many scholars, journalists, and policymakers agree. Given the associations between conspiracy theories and many non-normative tendencies, lawmakers have called for polici... Read More about Have beliefs in conspiracy theories increased over time?.

Hybrid warfare: The continuation of ambiguity by other means (2022)
Journal Article
Mumford, A., & Carlucci, P. (2023). Hybrid warfare: The continuation of ambiguity by other means. European Journal of International Security, 8(2), 192-206.

This article presents the study of ambiguity as the essence of hybrid warfare to reconcile it with the international political context. It addresses the gaps in the literature in an effort to elucidate the essence of hybrid warfare not as a separate... Read More about Hybrid warfare: The continuation of ambiguity by other means.