“They’re not going to do all the tasks we do”: Understanding Trust and Reassurance towards a UV-C Disinfection Robot
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Trigo, M. J. G., Reyes-Cruz, G., Maior, H. A., Pepper, C., Price, D., Leonard, P., Tochia, C., Hyde, R., Watson, N., & Fischer, J. E. (2023, August). “They’re not going to do all the tasks we do”: Understanding Trust and Reassurance towards a UV-C Disinfection Robot. Presented at IEEE RO-MAN 2023, Busan, South Korea
Increasingly, robots are adopted for routine tasks such as cleaning and disinfection of public spaces, raising questions about attitudes and trust of professional cleaners who might in future have robots as teammates, and whether the general public f... Read More about “They’re not going to do all the tasks we do”: Understanding Trust and Reassurance towards a UV-C Disinfection Robot.