Seeing like the stateless: Documentation and the mobilities of liminal citizenship in Cambodia
Journal Article
Parsons, L., & Lawreniuk, S. (2018). Seeing like the stateless: Documentation and the mobilities of liminal citizenship in Cambodia. Political Geography, 62, 1-11.
Outputs (2)
After the exodus: Exploring migrant attitudes to documentation, brokerage and employment following the 2014 mass withdrawal of Cambodian workers from Thailand: Exodus (2017)
Journal Article
Lawreniuk, S., & Parsons, L. (2017). After the exodus: Exploring migrant attitudes to documentation, brokerage and employment following the 2014 mass withdrawal of Cambodian workers from Thailand: Exodus. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 38(3), 350-369. paper uses the exodus of Cambodian migrant workers from Thailand in June 2014 as a focal point around which to explore Cambodian migrant attitudes towards the systems of documentation and brokerage that influence their movement. From the perspec... Read More about After the exodus: Exploring migrant attitudes to documentation, brokerage and employment following the 2014 mass withdrawal of Cambodian workers from Thailand: Exodus.