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Outputs (71)

Green Credit Policy and Environmental Outcomes in China: The Critical Role of Local Banks in Pollution Reduction and Innovation (2025)
Journal Article
Li, J., Ryong Kim, J., & Adegbite, E. (2025). Green Credit Policy and Environmental Outcomes in China: The Critical Role of Local Banks in Pollution Reduction and Innovation. International Journal of Finance and Economics,

This research assesses the role of local banks in the environmental consequences of the green credit policy (GCP) implementation in China. Utilising a sample of 297 cities from 2010 to 2017 and employing a difference-in-difference model, the study ex... Read More about Green Credit Policy and Environmental Outcomes in China: The Critical Role of Local Banks in Pollution Reduction and Innovation.

Factors influencing fall prevention programmes across three regions of the UK: The challenge of implementing and spreading the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme in a complex landscape (2025)
Journal Article
Ventre, J. P., Manning, F., Mahmoud, A., Brough, G., Timmons, S., Hawley-Hague, H., Skelton, D. A., Goodwin, V. A., Todd, C. J., Kendrick, D., Logan, P., & Orton, E. (in press). Factors influencing fall prevention programmes across three regions of the UK: The challenge of implementing and spreading the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme in a complex landscape. Age and Ageing,

Background: The occurrence of falls in adults 65+ years remains a common and costly issue worldwide. There is current evidence to suggest that falls can be prevented using evidence-based strength and balance interventions, such as the 6-month Falls M... Read More about Factors influencing fall prevention programmes across three regions of the UK: The challenge of implementing and spreading the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme in a complex landscape.

Intervening conditions of the implementation of an Advanced Access Model: an implementation research (2024)
Journal Article
Fracolli, L. A., Oliveira, L. G. F., Anjos, T. S. D., Timmons, S., Nichiata, L. Y. I., Gryschek, A. L. D. F. P. L., & Pinto, A. R. (2024). Intervening conditions of the implementation of an Advanced Access Model: an implementation research. The Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, 45(spe1), Article e20240066.

Objective: To identify the conditions that interfere with the implementation of the Advanced Access model in primary health care. Method: This is an implementation research that used the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). The... Read More about Intervening conditions of the implementation of an Advanced Access Model: an implementation research.

Development and delivery cost of digital health technologies for mental health: Application to the Narrative Experiences Online Intervention (2022)
Journal Article
Paterson, L., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Gavan, S. P., Slade, M., Ng, F., Llewellyn-Beardsley, J., Bond, C., Grundy, A., Nicholson, J., Quadri, D., Bailey, S., & Elliott, R. A. (2022). Development and delivery cost of digital health technologies for mental health: Application to the Narrative Experiences Online Intervention. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, Article 1028156.

Background: The increasing development and use of digital health interventions requires good quality costing information to inform development and commissioning choices about resource allocation decisions. The Narrative Experiences Online (NEON) Inte... Read More about Development and delivery cost of digital health technologies for mental health: Application to the Narrative Experiences Online Intervention.

Perspectives of pharmacists in general practice from qualitative focus groups with patients during a pilot study (2022)
Journal Article
Mann, C., Anderson, C., Boyd, M., Karsan, Y., & Emerson, T. (2022). Perspectives of pharmacists in general practice from qualitative focus groups with patients during a pilot study. BJGP Open, 6(2), Article BJGPO.2021.0112.

Background: Utilising skill mix in general practice is proposed as a solution to the demand–supply issue. Pharmacists can play an important role in this context, leading to an increase in training and funding for independent prescriber roles. A role... Read More about Perspectives of pharmacists in general practice from qualitative focus groups with patients during a pilot study.

Driving Towards a More Therapeutic Future? The Untraced Drivers Agreement and Conscious Contracting (2021)
Journal Article
Marson, J., Alissa, H., & Ferris, K. (2021). Driving Towards a More Therapeutic Future? The Untraced Drivers Agreement and Conscious Contracting. European Journal of Current Legal Issues, 25(1),

Therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) is an emerging and developing philosophy which, established by Winnick and Wexler, and continued by the work of Perlin (inter alia), has been predominately used to explain the operation and efficacy of drug courts and t... Read More about Driving Towards a More Therapeutic Future? The Untraced Drivers Agreement and Conscious Contracting.

Big Changes Start With Small Talk: Twitter and Climate Change in Times of Coronavirus Pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Gaytan Camarillo, M., Ferguson, E., Ljevar, V., & Spence, A. (2021). Big Changes Start With Small Talk: Twitter and Climate Change in Times of Coronavirus Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-16.

Behavioural scientists have been studying public perceptions to understand how and why people behave the way they do towards climate change. In recent times, enormous changes to behaviour and people’s interactions have been brought about by the world... Read More about Big Changes Start With Small Talk: Twitter and Climate Change in Times of Coronavirus Pandemic.

Recorded Mental Health Recovery Narratives as a Resource for People Affected by Mental Health Problems: Development of the Narrative Experiences Online (NEON) Intervention (2021)
Journal Article
Slade, M., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Llewellyn-Beardsley, J., Yeo, C., Roe, J., Bailey, S., Smith, R. A., Booth, S., Harrison, J., Bhogal, A., Penas Morán, P., Hui, A., Quadri, D., Robinson, C., Smuk, M., Farkas, M., Davidson, L., van der Krieke, L., Slade, E., Bond, C., …Ng, F. (2021). Recorded Mental Health Recovery Narratives as a Resource for People Affected by Mental Health Problems: Development of the Narrative Experiences Online (NEON) Intervention. JMIR Formative Research, 5(5), Article e24417.

Background: The internet enables sharing of narratives about health concerns on a substantial scale, and some digital health narratives have been integrated into digital health interventions. Narratives describing recovery from health problems are a... Read More about Recorded Mental Health Recovery Narratives as a Resource for People Affected by Mental Health Problems: Development of the Narrative Experiences Online (NEON) Intervention.

Too little, too late? Brexit Day, transitional periods and the implications of MIB v Lewis (2020)
Journal Article
Mason, J., & Ferris, K. (2020). Too little, too late? Brexit Day, transitional periods and the implications of MIB v Lewis. European Law Review, 2020(3), 415-426

For several decades the UK has been in breach of key aspects of the Motor Vehicle Insurance Directives (MVID). This has been observed through academic commentary and confirmed in successful state liability claims. There has also been a manifestly inc... Read More about Too little, too late? Brexit Day, transitional periods and the implications of MIB v Lewis.

Model Class Reliance for Random Forests (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, G., Mansilla Lobos, R., & Goulding, J. (2020, December). Model Class Reliance for Random Forests. Presented at 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Vancouver, Canada

Variable Importance (VI) has traditionally been cast as the process of estimating each variable's contribution to a predictive model's overall performance. Analysis of a single model instance, however, guarantees no insight into a variables relevance... Read More about Model Class Reliance for Random Forests.