Combining isotope ratios for provenancing Viking Age iron artefacts in the British Isles: a pilot study
Journal Article
Harding, S. E., Jones, C., Evans, J., Milot, J., Cutajar, M., Bailey, E., Pashley, V., Wagner, D., Halkon, P., & Pearce, M. (2023). Combining isotope ratios for provenancing Viking Age iron artefacts in the British Isles: a pilot study. RSC Advances, 13(44), 31292-31302.
Stable and radiogenic isotope analysis – particularly using lead isotope analysis (LIA) - has previously been shown to be a useful tool for the provenancing of ancient metal artefacts of silver and copper and its alloys, but less progress has been ma... Read More about Combining isotope ratios for provenancing Viking Age iron artefacts in the British Isles: a pilot study.