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Outputs (227)

Semi-analytic spectral fitting: simultaneously modelling the mass accumulation and chemical evolution in MaNGA spiral galaxies (2022)
Journal Article
Zhou, S., Merrifield, M., & Aragón-Salamanca, A. (2022). Semi-analytic spectral fitting: simultaneously modelling the mass accumulation and chemical evolution in MaNGA spiral galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513(4), 5446-5464.

We develop a novel semi-analytic spectral fitting approach to quantify the star-formation histories (SFHs) and chemical enrichment histories (ChEHs) of individual galaxies. We construct simple yet general chemical evolution models that account for ga... Read More about Semi-analytic spectral fitting: simultaneously modelling the mass accumulation and chemical evolution in MaNGA spiral galaxies.

Bayesian causal network modeling suggests adolescent cannabis use accelerates prefrontal cortical thinning (2022)
Journal Article
Owens, M. M., Albaugh, M. D., Allgaier, N., Yuan, D., Robert, G., Cupertino, R. B., Spechler, P. A., Juliano, A., Hahn, S., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L., Desrivières, S., Flor, H., Grigis, A., Gowland, P., Heinz, A., Brühl, R., Martinot, J. L., Martinot, M.-L. P., Artiges, E., …Hohmann, S. (2022). Bayesian causal network modeling suggests adolescent cannabis use accelerates prefrontal cortical thinning. Translational Psychiatry, 12(1), Article 188.

While there is substantial evidence that cannabis use is associated with differences in human brain development, most of this evidence is correlational in nature. Bayesian causal network (BCN) modeling attempts to identify probable causal relationshi... Read More about Bayesian causal network modeling suggests adolescent cannabis use accelerates prefrontal cortical thinning.

On-Scalp Optically Pumped Magnetometers versus Cryogenic Magnetoencephalography for Diagnostic Evaluation of Epilepsy in School-aged Children (2022)
Journal Article
Feys, O., Corvilain, P., Aeby, A., Sculier, C., Holmes, N., Brookes, M., Goldman, S., Wens, V., & De Tiège, X. (2022). On-Scalp Optically Pumped Magnetometers versus Cryogenic Magnetoencephalography for Diagnostic Evaluation of Epilepsy in School-aged Children. Radiology, 304(2), 429-434.

Background Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is an established method used to detect and localize focal interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs). Current MEG systems house hundreds of cryogenic sensors in a rigid, one-size-fits-all helmet, which results... Read More about On-Scalp Optically Pumped Magnetometers versus Cryogenic Magnetoencephalography for Diagnostic Evaluation of Epilepsy in School-aged Children.

The bright extragalactic ALMA redshift survey (BEARS) – II. Millimetre photometry of gravitational lens candidates (2022)
Journal Article
Bendo, G. J., Urquhart, S. A., Serjeant, S., Bakx, T., Hagimoto, M., Cox, P., Neri, R., Lehnert, M. D., Dannerbauer, H., Amvrosiadis, A., Andreani, P., Baker, A. J., Beelen, A., Berta, S., Borsato, E., Buat, V., Butler, K. M., Cooray, A., De Zotti, G., Dunne, L., …Young, A. J. (2023). The bright extragalactic ALMA redshift survey (BEARS) – II. Millimetre photometry of gravitational lens candidates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522(2), 2995-3017.

We present 101- and 151-GHz ALMA continuum images for 85 fields selected from Herschel observations that have 500-μm flux densities >80 mJy and 250–500-μm colours consistent with z > 2, most of which are expected to be gravitationally lensed or hyper... Read More about The bright extragalactic ALMA redshift survey (BEARS) – II. Millimetre photometry of gravitational lens candidates.

Random matrix theory for quantum and classical metastability in local Liouvillians (2022)
Journal Article
Li, J. L., Rose, D. C., Garrahan, J. P., & Luitz, D. J. (2022). Random matrix theory for quantum and classical metastability in local Liouvillians. Physical Review B, 105(18), Article L180201.

We consider the effects of strong dissipation in quantum systems with a notion of locality, which induces a hierarchy of many-body relaxation timescales as shown in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 100604 (2020)]. If the strength of the dissipation varies stro... Read More about Random matrix theory for quantum and classical metastability in local Liouvillians.

Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Self-Assembled InAs Quantum Dots Based p–i–n Devices Grown on GaAs Substrate by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Telecommunication Applications (2022)
Journal Article
Lemine, O. M., Al Huwayz, M., Ibnaouf, K. H., Alkaoud, A., Salhi, A., & Henini, M. (2022). Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Self-Assembled InAs Quantum Dots Based p–i–n Devices Grown on GaAs Substrate by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Telecommunication Applications. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 17(5), 837-842.

This work aims to investigate the structural, electrical, and optical properties of InAs quantum dots (QDs) grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on GaAs substrates. As-made samples were thoroughly characterized using different techniques, including Atomic... Read More about Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Self-Assembled InAs Quantum Dots Based p–i–n Devices Grown on GaAs Substrate by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Telecommunication Applications.

A Simulation-driven Deep Learning Approach for Separating Mergers and Star-forming Galaxies: The Formation Histories of Clumpy Galaxies in All of the CANDELS Fields (2022)
Journal Article
Ferreira, L., Conselice, C. J., Kuchner, U., & Tohill, C.-B. (2022). A Simulation-driven Deep Learning Approach for Separating Mergers and Star-forming Galaxies: The Formation Histories of Clumpy Galaxies in All of the CANDELS Fields. Astrophysical Journal, 931(1), Article 34.

Being able to distinguish between galaxies that have recently undergone major-merger events, or are experiencing intense star formation, is crucial for making progress in our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies. As such, we have... Read More about A Simulation-driven Deep Learning Approach for Separating Mergers and Star-forming Galaxies: The Formation Histories of Clumpy Galaxies in All of the CANDELS Fields.

Direct detection of dark matter - APPEC committee report (2022)
Journal Article
Billard, J., Boulay, M., Cebrián, S., Covi, L., Fiorillo, G., Green, A., Kopp, J., Majorovits, B., Palladino, K., Petricca, F., Roszkowski, L., & Schumann, M. (2022). Direct detection of dark matter - APPEC committee report. Reports on Progress in Physics, 85(5), Article 056201.

This report provides an extensive review of the experimental programme of direct detection searches of particle dark matter. It focuses mostly on European efforts, both current and planned, but does it within a broader context of a worldwide activity... Read More about Direct detection of dark matter - APPEC committee report.

Collective behavior of composite active particles (2022)
Journal Article
Eglinton, J., Smith, M. I., & Swift, M. R. (2022). Collective behavior of composite active particles. Physical Review E, 105(4), Article 044609.

We describe simulations of active Brownian particles carried out to explore how dynamics and clustering are influenced by particle shape. Our particles are composed of four disks, held together by springs, whose relative size can be varied. These com... Read More about Collective behavior of composite active particles.

Crossing a topological phase transition with a quantum computer (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, A., Jobst, B., Green, A. G., & Pollmann, F. (2022). Crossing a topological phase transition with a quantum computer. Physical Review Research, 4(2), Article L022020.

Quantum computers promise to perform computations beyond the reach of modern computers with profound implications for scientific research. Due to remarkable technological advances, small scale devices are now becoming available for use. One of the mo... Read More about Crossing a topological phase transition with a quantum computer.