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Saturation of the anomalous Hall effect at high magnetic fields in altermagnetic RuO2 (2023)
Journal Article
Tschirner, T., Keßler, P., Gonzalez Betancourt, R. D., Kotte, T., Kriegner, D., Büchner, B., Dufouleur, J., Kamp, M., Jovic, V., Smejkal, L., Sinova, J., Claessen, R., Jungwirth, T., Moser, S., Reichlova, H., & Veyrat, L. (2023). Saturation of the anomalous Hall effect at high magnetic fields in altermagnetic RuO2. APL Materials, 11(10), Article 101103.

Observations of the anomalous Hall effect in RuO2 and MnTe have demonstrated unconventional time-reversal symmetry breaking in the electronic structure of a recently identified new class of compensated collinear magnets, dubbed altermagnets. While in... Read More about Saturation of the anomalous Hall effect at high magnetic fields in altermagnetic RuO2.

Antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions electrically generated and controlled at room temperature (2023)
Journal Article
Amin, O. J., Poole, S. F., Reimers, S., Barton, L. X., Dal Din, A., Maccherozzi, F., Dhesi, S. S., Novák, V., Krizek, F., Chauhan, J. S., Campion, R. P., Rushforth, A. W., Jungwirth, T., Tretiakov, O. A., Edmonds, K. W., & Wadley, P. (2023). Antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions electrically generated and controlled at room temperature. Nature Nanotechnology, 18(8), 849-853.

Topologically protected magnetic textures are promising candidates for information carriers in future memory devices, as they can be efficiently propelled at very high velocities using current-induced spin torques. These textures—nanoscale whirls in... Read More about Antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions electrically generated and controlled at room temperature.

Experimental electronic structure of the electrically switchable antiferromagnet CuMnAs (2023)
Journal Article
Linn, A. G., Hao, P., Gordon, K. N., Narayan, D., Berggren, B. S., Speiser, N., Reimers, S., Campion, R. P., Novák, V., Dhesi, S. S., Kim, T. K., Cacho, C., Šmejkal, L., Jungwirth, T., Denlinger, J. D., Wadley, P., & Dessau, D. S. (2023). Experimental electronic structure of the electrically switchable antiferromagnet CuMnAs. npj Quantum Materials, 8(1), Article 19.

Tetragonal CuMnAs is a room temperature antiferromagnet with an electrically reorientable Néel vector and a Dirac semimetal candidate. Direct measurements of the electronic structure of single-crystalline thin films of tetragonal CuMnAs using angle-r... Read More about Experimental electronic structure of the electrically switchable antiferromagnet CuMnAs.

Spontaneous Anomalous Hall Effect Arising from an Unconventional Compensated Magnetic Phase in a Semiconductor (2023)
Journal Article
Gonzalez Betancourt, R. D., Zubáč, J., Gonzalez-Hernandez, R., Geishendorf, K., Šobáň, Z., Springholz, G., Olejník, K., Šmejkal, L., Sinova, J., Jungwirth, T., Goennenwein, S. T. B., Thomas, A., Reichlová, H., Železný, J., & Kriegner, D. (2023). Spontaneous Anomalous Hall Effect Arising from an Unconventional Compensated Magnetic Phase in a Semiconductor. Physical Review Letters, 130(3), Article 036702.

The anomalous Hall effect, commonly observed in metallic magnets, has been established to originate from the time-reversal symmetry breaking by an internal macroscopic magnetization in ferromagnets or by a noncollinear magnetic order. Here we observe... Read More about Spontaneous Anomalous Hall Effect Arising from an Unconventional Compensated Magnetic Phase in a Semiconductor.