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Photosensitisation of inkjet printed graphene with stable all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals (2022)
Journal Article
Austin, J. S., Cottam, N. D., Zhang, C., Wang, F., Gosling, J. H., Nelson-Dummet, O., James, T. S., Beton, P. H., Trindade, G. F., Zhou, Y., Tuck, C. J., Hague, R., Makarovsky, O., & Turyanska, L. (2023). Photosensitisation of inkjet printed graphene with stable all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals. Nanoscale, 15(5), 2134–2142.

All-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) with enhanced environmental stability are of particular interest for optoelectronic applications. Here we report on the formulation of CsPbX3 (X is Br or I) inks for inkjet deposition and utilise these NCs... Read More about Photosensitisation of inkjet printed graphene with stable all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals.

Hydrogen-Induced Conversion of SnS2 into SnS or Sn: A Route to Create SnS2/SnS Heterostructures (2022)
Journal Article
Patanè, A., Felton, J., Blundo, E., Kudrynskyi, Z., Ling, S., Bradford, J., Pettinari, G., Cooper, T., Wadge, M., Kovalyuk, Z., Polimeni, A., Beton, P., Grant, D., Walker, G., & Patane, A. (2022). Hydrogen-Induced Conversion of SnS2 into SnS or Sn: A Route to Create SnS2/SnS Heterostructures. Small, 18(33), Article 2202661.

The family of van der Waals (vdW) materials is large and diverse with applications ranging from electronics and optoelectronics to catalysis and chemical storage. However, despite intensive research, there remains significant knowledge-gaps pertainin... Read More about Hydrogen-Induced Conversion of SnS2 into SnS or Sn: A Route to Create SnS2/SnS Heterostructures.

Submolecular Resolution Imaging of P3HT:PCBM Nanostructured Films by Atomic Force Microscopy: Implications for Organic Solar Cells (2022)
Journal Article
Liirò-Peluso, L., Wrigley, J., Amabilino, D. B., & Beton, P. H. (2022). Submolecular Resolution Imaging of P3HT:PCBM Nanostructured Films by Atomic Force Microscopy: Implications for Organic Solar Cells. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5(10), 13794-13804.

The efficiency of organic bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells depends greatly on both the bulk and surface structure of the nanostructured bicontinuous interpenetrating network of materials, known as the active layer. The morphology of the top laye... Read More about Submolecular Resolution Imaging of P3HT:PCBM Nanostructured Films by Atomic Force Microscopy: Implications for Organic Solar Cells.

Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride (2022)
Journal Article
Cassabois, G., Fugallo, G., Elias, C., Valvin, P., Rousseau, A., Gil, B., Summerfield, A., Mellor, C. J., Cheng, T. S., Eaves, L., Foxon, C., Beton, P., Lazzeri, M., Segura, A., & Novikov, S. (2022). Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride. Physical Review X, 12(1), Article 011057.

The light-matter interaction in bulk semiconductors is in the strong coupling regime with hybrid eigenstates, the so-called exciton-polaritons and phonon-polaritons. In two-dimensional (2D) systems, the translational invariance is broken in the direc... Read More about Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride.

Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride (2022)
Journal Article
Cassabois, G., Fugallo, G., Elias, C., Valvin, P., Rousseau, A., Gil, B., Summerfield, A., Mellor, C., Cheng, T., Eaves, L., Foxon, C., Beton, P., Lazzeri, M., Segura, A., & Novikov, S. (2022). Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride. Physical Review X, 12(1), Article 011057.

The light-matter interaction in bulk semiconductors is in the strong-coupling regime with hybrid eigenstates, the so-called exciton polaritons and phonon polaritons. In two-dimensional (2D) systems, the translational invariance is broken in the direc... Read More about Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride.