Decoding fMRI events in sensorimotor motor network using sparse paradigm free mapping and activation likelihood estimates: Decoding fMRI Events in SMN
Journal Article
Tan, F. M., Caballero-Gaudes, C., Mullinger, K. J., Cho, S.-Y., Zhang, Y., Dryden, I. L., Francis, S. T., & Gowland, P. A. (2017). Decoding fMRI events in sensorimotor motor network using sparse paradigm free mapping and activation likelihood estimates: Decoding fMRI Events in SMN. Human Brain Mapping, 38(11), 5778-5794.
Most functional MRI (fMRI) studies map task-driven brain activity using a block or event-related paradigm. Sparse paradigm free mapping (SPFM) can detect the onset and spatial distribution of BOLD events in the brain without prior timing information,... Read More about Decoding fMRI events in sensorimotor motor network using sparse paradigm free mapping and activation likelihood estimates: Decoding fMRI Events in SMN.