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Outputs (2)

Local asymptotic equivalence of pure states ensembles and quantum Gaussian white noise (2018)
Journal Article
Butucea, C., Guţă, M., & Nussbaum, M. (2018). Local asymptotic equivalence of pure states ensembles and quantum Gaussian white noise. Annals of Statistics, 46(6B), 3676-3706.

Quantum technology is increasingly relying on specialised statistical inference methods for analysing quantum measurement data. This motivates the development of “quantum statistics”, a field that is shaping up at the overlap of quantum physics and “... Read More about Local asymptotic equivalence of pure states ensembles and quantum Gaussian white noise.

Minimax estimation of qubit states with Bures risk (2018)
Journal Article
Acharya, A., & Guţă, M. (2018). Minimax estimation of qubit states with Bures risk. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 51(17), 1-27.

The central problem of quantum statistics is to devise measurement schemes for the estimation of an unknown state, given an ensemble of n independent identically prepared systems. For locally quadratic loss functions, the risk of standard procedures... Read More about Minimax estimation of qubit states with Bures risk.