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Outputs (40)

Intelligence techniques in computer security and forensics: At the boundaries of ethics and law (2012)
Book Chapter
Stahl, B., Carroll-Mayer, M., Elizondo, D., Wakunuma, K., & Zheng, Y. (2012). Intelligence techniques in computer security and forensics: At the boundaries of ethics and law. In D. A. Elizondo, A. Solanas, & A. Martinez-Balleste (Eds.), Computational Intelligence for Privacy and Security. Springer.

Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques have been widely used in the domains of computer security and computer forensics. One problem that normative discussions of technologies face is that the technical capabilities under investigation tend to be... Read More about Intelligence techniques in computer security and forensics: At the boundaries of ethics and law.

Modelling electrical car diffusion based on agents (2012)
Journal Article
Yu, L., Zhang, T., Siebers, P.-O., & Aickelin, U. (2012). Modelling electrical car diffusion based on agents.

Replacing traditional fossil fuel vehicles with innovative zero-emission vehicles for the transport in cities is one of the major tactics to achieve the UK government 2020 target of cutting emission. We are developing an agent-based simulation mode... Read More about Modelling electrical car diffusion based on agents.

Automatic inference and measurement of 3D carpal bone kinematics from single view fluoroscopic sequences (2012)
Journal Article
Chen, X., Graham, J., Hutchinson, C., & Muir, L. (2012). Automatic inference and measurement of 3D carpal bone kinematics from single view fluoroscopic sequences. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 32(2),

We present a novel framework for estimating the 3D poses and shapes of the carpal bones from single view fluoroscopic sequences. A hybrid statistical model representing both the pose and shape variation of the carpal bones is built, based on a number... Read More about Automatic inference and measurement of 3D carpal bone kinematics from single view fluoroscopic sequences.

Finding the creatures of habit: clustering households based on their flexibility in using electricity (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dent, I., Craig, T., Aickelin, U., & Rodden, T. Finding the creatures of habit: clustering households based on their flexibility in using electricity. Presented at Digital Futures 2012: the Third Annual Digital Economy All Hands Conference

Changes in the UK electricity market, particularly with the roll out of smart meters, will provide greatly increased opportunities for initiatives intended to change households' electricity usage patterns for the benefit of the overall system. Users... Read More about Finding the creatures of habit: clustering households based on their flexibility in using electricity.

Them and Us: An indoor pervasive gaming experience (2012)
Journal Article
Chamberlain, A., Martínez-Reyes, F., Jacobs, R., Watkins, M., & Shackford, R. (2013). Them and Us: An indoor pervasive gaming experience. Entertainment Computing, 4(1), 1-9.

The emergence of pervasive technologies has led to an increased interest in both the design and the development of pervasive games. This paper presents “Them and Us”, an indoor pervasive game which uses theatrical processes to encourage social intera... Read More about Them and Us: An indoor pervasive gaming experience.

The conceptual framing, design and evaluation of device ecologies for collaborative activities (2012)
Journal Article
Coughlan, T., Collins, T. D., Adams, A., Rogers, Y., Haya, P. A., & Martin, E. (2012). The conceptual framing, design and evaluation of device ecologies for collaborative activities. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70(10),

A variety of computing technologies, in addition to the personal computer, are now commonly used in many settings. As networking infrastructures mature, it is increasingly feasible and affordable to consider closer integration and use of these hetero... Read More about The conceptual framing, design and evaluation of device ecologies for collaborative activities.

A new model and a hyper-heuristic approach for two-dimensional shelf space allocation (2012)
Journal Article
Bai, R., Van Woensel, T., Kendall, G., & Burke, E. K. (in press). A new model and a hyper-heuristic approach for two-dimensional shelf space allocation. 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 11(1),

In this paper, we propose a two-dimensional shelf space allocation model. The second dimension stems from the height of the shelf. This results in an integer nonlinear programming model with a complex form of objective function. We propose a multiple... Read More about A new model and a hyper-heuristic approach for two-dimensional shelf space allocation.

Efficient online subspace learning with an indefinite kernel for visual tracking and recognition (2012)
Journal Article
Liwicki, S., Zafeiriou, S., Tzimiropoulos, G., & Pantic, M. (2012). Efficient online subspace learning with an indefinite kernel for visual tracking and recognition. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 23(10),

We propose an exact framework for online learning with a family of indefinite (not positive) kernels. As we study the case of nonpositive kernels, we first show how to extend kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) from a reproducing kernel Hilber... Read More about Efficient online subspace learning with an indefinite kernel for visual tracking and recognition.

Flexible and dynamic network coding for adaptive data transmission in DTNs (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Radenkovic, M., Zakhary, S., Radenkovic, M., & Zakhary, S. Flexible and dynamic network coding for adaptive data transmission in DTNs. Presented at IWCMC 2012 : the 8th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference

Existing network coding approaches for Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) do not detect and adapt to congestion in the network. In this paper we describe CafNC (Congestion aware forwarding with Network Coding) that combines adaptive network coding and a... Read More about Flexible and dynamic network coding for adaptive data transmission in DTNs.