Time-Memory Trade-Offs Sound the Death Knell for GPRS and GSM
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Avoine, G., Carpent, X., Claverie, T., Devine, C., & Leblanc-Albarel, D. (2024, August). Time-Memory Trade-Offs Sound the Death Knell for GPRS and GSM. Presented at Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2024, Santa Barbara, USA
This paper introduces a practical TMTO-based attack against GSM (A5/3) and GPRS (GEA-3), which are both technologies used in 2G mobile networks. Although designed in the 80 s, these networks are still quite active today, especially for embedded syste... Read More about Time-Memory Trade-Offs Sound the Death Knell for GPRS and GSM.