What is home? An art-based workshop to explore the physical, relational and wellbeing properties of Home
Journal Article
Vallejos, E. P., Baker, C., McGarry, J., Joyes, E., Carletti, L., Bartel, H., Jacobs, R., Gale-Feeny, A., & Higginbottom, R. (2017). What is home? An art-based workshop to explore the physical, relational and wellbeing properties of Home. Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 8(3), 341-355. https://doi.org/10.1386/jaah.8.3.341_1
This feasibility study was framed under the notion of creative practices as mutual recovery – the idea that shared creativity, collective experience and mutual benefit can promote resilience in mental health and well-being. The study evaluated the im... Read More about What is home? An art-based workshop to explore the physical, relational and wellbeing properties of Home.