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Outputs (109)

Primary cilia distribution and orientation during involution of the bovine mammary gland (2016)
Journal Article
Biet, J., Poole, C., Stelwagen, K., Margerison, J., & Singh, K. (2016). Primary cilia distribution and orientation during involution of the bovine mammary gland. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(5), 3966-3978.

The regulation of mammary gland involution occurs through multiple levels including environmental factors, hormones, and local intramammary signals. Primary cilia (PC) are signaling organelles that sense biochemical and biophysical extracellular stim... Read More about Primary cilia distribution and orientation during involution of the bovine mammary gland.

Using archaeogenomic and computational approaches to unravel the history of local adaptation in crops (2015)
Journal Article
Allaby, R. G., Gutaker, R., Clarke, A. C., Pearson, N., Ware, R., Palmer, S. A., Kitchen, J. L., & Smith, O. (2015). Using archaeogenomic and computational approaches to unravel the history of local adaptation in crops. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences, 370(1660),

© 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved. Our understanding of the evolution of domestication has changed radically in the past 10 years, from a relatively simplistic rapid origin scenario to a protracted complex proce... Read More about Using archaeogenomic and computational approaches to unravel the history of local adaptation in crops.

Archaeogenomic insights into the adaptation of plants to the human environment: Pushing plant-hominin co-evolution back to the Pliocene (2015)
Journal Article
Allaby, R. G., Kistler, L., Gutaker, R. M., Ware, R., Kitchen, J. L., Smith, O., & Clarke, A. C. (2015). Archaeogenomic insights into the adaptation of plants to the human environment: Pushing plant-hominin co-evolution back to the Pliocene. Journal of Human Evolution, 79, 150-157.

© 2014 The Authors. The colonization of the human environment by plants, and the consequent evolution of domesticated forms is increasingly being viewed as a co-evolutionary plant-human process that occurred over a long time period, with evidence for... Read More about Archaeogenomic insights into the adaptation of plants to the human environment: Pushing plant-hominin co-evolution back to the Pliocene.

Calcium leaching from waste steelmaking slag: Significance of leachate chemistry and effects on slag grain mineralogy (2014)
Journal Article
HALL, C., LARGE, D., ADDERLEY, B., & WEST, H. (2014). Calcium leaching from waste steelmaking slag: Significance of leachate chemistry and effects on slag grain mineralogy. Minerals Engineering, 65, 156-162.

Accelerated carbonation of alkaline wastes such as steelmaking slag offers the potential to combine waste valorisation with climate change mitigation by utilising carbon dioxide (CO2). One method of achieving this is through an indirect carbonation p... Read More about Calcium leaching from waste steelmaking slag: Significance of leachate chemistry and effects on slag grain mineralogy.

The development of monoclonal antibodies to the secA protein of Cape St. Paul Wilt disease phytoplasma and their evaluation as a diagnostic tool (2014)
Journal Article
Hodgetts, J., DICKINSON, M., Johnson, G., Perkins, K., Ostoja-Starzewska, S., Boonham, N., & Mumford, R. (2014). The development of monoclonal antibodies to the secA protein of Cape St. Paul Wilt disease phytoplasma and their evaluation as a diagnostic tool. Molecular Biotechnology, 56(9), 803-813.

Heterologous expression and kinetic characterisation of Neurospora crassa β-xylosidase in Pichia pastoris (2014)
Journal Article
Kirikyali, N., & Connerton, I. (2014). Heterologous expression and kinetic characterisation of Neurospora crassa β-xylosidase in Pichia pastoris. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 57, 63-68.

To degrade plant hemicelluloses fungi employ β-xylosidases to hydrolyse xylooligosaccharides, released by endo-xylanases, into xylose. We have expressed the β-xylosidase from Neurospora crassa in Pichia pastoris under the control of alcohol oxidase 1... Read More about Heterologous expression and kinetic characterisation of Neurospora crassa β-xylosidase in Pichia pastoris.

Reducing dietary protein in dairy cow diets: implications for nitrogen utilization, milk production, welfare and fertility (2013)
Journal Article
Sinclair, K., Garnsworthy, P., Mann, G., & Sinclair, L. (2014). Reducing dietary protein in dairy cow diets: implications for nitrogen utilization, milk production, welfare and fertility. Animal, 8(2), 262-274.

In light of increasing global protein prices and with the need to reduce environmental impact of contemporary systems of milk production, the current review seeks to assess the feasibility of reducing levels of dietary CP in dairy cow diets. At CP le... Read More about Reducing dietary protein in dairy cow diets: implications for nitrogen utilization, milk production, welfare and fertility.

Encountering competitors reduces clutch size and increases offspring size in a parasitoid with female–female fighting (2007)
Journal Article
Goubault, M., Mack, A. F., & Hardy, I. C. (2007). Encountering competitors reduces clutch size and increases offspring size in a parasitoid with female–female fighting. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274(1625), 2571-2577.

Understanding the size of clutches produced by only one parent may require a game-theoretic approach: clutch size may affect offspring fitness in terms of future competitive ability. If larger clutches generate smaller offspring and larger adults are... Read More about Encountering competitors reduces clutch size and increases offspring size in a parasitoid with female–female fighting.

Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus (2005)
Journal Article
Fahey, A. J., Brameld, J. M., Parr, T., & Buttery, P. J. (2005). Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus. Journal of Animal Science, 83(10), 2330-2338.

The number of muscle fibers within a muscle has been found to be of high importance for the growth potential of an animal, and this number is set during fetal development. The objective of this study was to identify the ontogeny of muscle cell differ... Read More about Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus.