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Outputs (26)

Analytical ultracentrifugation in saliva research: Impact of green tea astringency and its significance on the in-vivo aroma release (2018)
Journal Article
Dinu, V., Liu, C., Ali, J., Ayed, C., Gershkovich, P., Adams, G. G., Harding, S. E., & Fisk, I. (2018). Analytical ultracentrifugation in saliva research: Impact of green tea astringency and its significance on the in-vivo aroma release. Scientific Reports, 8, 1-9.

Current saliva testing methods rely on cutting edge yet expensive techniques for the detection and analysis of genetic material, proteins and biomarkers for clinical use. However, these techniques are limited in scope and often cannot be used with co... Read More about Analytical ultracentrifugation in saliva research: Impact of green tea astringency and its significance on the in-vivo aroma release.

Metallome of cerebrovascular endothelial cells infected with Toxoplasma gondii using μ-XRF imaging and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (2018)
Journal Article
Al-sandaqchi, A. T., Brignell, C., Collingwood, J. F., Geraki, K., Mirkes, E. M., Kong, K., Castellanos, M., May, S. T., Stevenson, C. W., & Elsheikha, H. M. (2018). Metallome of cerebrovascular endothelial cells infected with Toxoplasma gondii using μ-XRF imaging and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Metallomics, 1401-1414.

In this study, we measured the levels of elements in human brain microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) infected with T. gondii. ECs were infected with tachyzoites of the RH strain, and at 6, 24, and 48 hours post infection (hpi), the intracellular co... Read More about Metallome of cerebrovascular endothelial cells infected with Toxoplasma gondii using μ-XRF imaging and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.

Characterization of Southeast Asia mangoes (Mangifera indica L) according to their physicochemical attributes (2018)
Journal Article
Lawson, T., Lycett, G. W., Ali, A., & Chin, C. F. (2019). Characterization of Southeast Asia mangoes (Mangifera indica L) according to their physicochemical attributes. Scientia Horticulturae, 243, 189-196.

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is an economically important fruit crop grown in the tropics. One of the important traits of mango for successful commercial production is the storage quality of the fruit. This study was conducted to evaluate the postharv... Read More about Characterization of Southeast Asia mangoes (Mangifera indica L) according to their physicochemical attributes.

Sensitivity of simulated crop yield and nitrate leaching of the wheat-maize cropping system in the North China Plain to model parameters (2018)
Journal Article
Jabloun, M., Li, X., Zhang, X., Tao, F., Hu, C., & Olesen, J. E. (2018). Sensitivity of simulated crop yield and nitrate leaching of the wheat-maize cropping system in the North China Plain to model parameters. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 263, 25-40.

Process-based crop simulation models are often over-parameterised and are therefore difficult to calibrate properly. Following this rationale, the Morris screening sensitivity method was carried out on the DAISY model to identify the most influential... Read More about Sensitivity of simulated crop yield and nitrate leaching of the wheat-maize cropping system in the North China Plain to model parameters.

The stable isotope composition of organic and inorganic fossils in lake sediment records: current understanding, challenges, and future directions (2018)
Journal Article
van Hardenbroek, M., Chakraborty, A., Davies, K., Harding, P., Heiri, O., Henderson, A., Holmes, J., Lasher, G., Leng, M., Panizzo, V., Roberts, L., Schilder, J., Trueman, C., & Wooller, M. (2018). The stable isotope composition of organic and inorganic fossils in lake sediment records: current understanding, challenges, and future directions. Quaternary Science Reviews, 196, 154-176.

This paper provides an overview of stable isotope analysis (H, C, N, O, Si) of the macro and microscopic remains from aquatic organisms found in lake sediment records and their application in (palaeo)environmental science. Aquatic organisms, includin... Read More about The stable isotope composition of organic and inorganic fossils in lake sediment records: current understanding, challenges, and future directions.

Chloroplast-rich material from the physical fractionation of pea vine (Pisum sativum) postharvest field residue (Haulm) (2018)
Journal Article
Torcello-Gómez, A., Gedi, M. A., Ibbett, R., Husain, K. N., Briars, R., & Gray, D. (2019). Chloroplast-rich material from the physical fractionation of pea vine (Pisum sativum) postharvest field residue (Haulm). Food Chemistry, 272, 18-25.

An innovative procedure for plant chloroplasts isolation has been proposed, which consists of juice extraction by physical fractionation from plant material and recovery of its chloroplast-rich fraction (CRF) by centrifugation. This simple method has... Read More about Chloroplast-rich material from the physical fractionation of pea vine (Pisum sativum) postharvest field residue (Haulm).

Evidence for functional state transitions in intensively-managed soil ecosystems (2018)
Journal Article
Todman, L., Fraser, F., Corstanje, R., Harris, J., Pawlett, M., Ritz, K., & Whitmore, A. (2018). Evidence for functional state transitions in intensively-managed soil ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 8, Article 11522.

Soils are fundamental to terrestrial ecosystem functioning and food security, thus their resilience to disturbances is critical. Furthermore, they provide effective models of complex natural systems to explore resilience concepts over experimentally-... Read More about Evidence for functional state transitions in intensively-managed soil ecosystems.

Immunological effects of altering the concentrate inclusion level in a grass silage-based diet for early lactation Holstein Friesian cows (2018)
Journal Article
Little, M. W., Wylie, A. R. G., O’Connell, N. E., Welsh, M. D., Grelet, C., Bell, M. J., Gordon, A., & Ferris, C. P. (2018). Immunological effects of altering the concentrate inclusion level in a grass silage-based diet for early lactation Holstein Friesian cows. Animal, 13(4), 799-809.

Concentrate inclusion levels in dairy cow diets are often adjusted so that the milk yield responses remain economic. While changes in concentrate level on performance is well known, their impact on other biological parameters, including immune functi... Read More about Immunological effects of altering the concentrate inclusion level in a grass silage-based diet for early lactation Holstein Friesian cows.

Production of membrane proteins for characterisation of their pheromone-sensing and antimicrobial resistance functions (2018)
Journal Article
Azam, A. A., Kinder, J. M., Khan, G. N., Alase, A., Ma, P., Liu, Y., Ault, J. R., Henderson, P. J. F., Chowdhry, B. Z., Alexander, B. D., Harding, S. E., & Phillips-Jones, M. K. (2018). Production of membrane proteins for characterisation of their pheromone-sensing and antimicrobial resistance functions. European Biophysics Journal,

Despite the importance of membrane proteins in cellular processes, studies of these hydrophobic proteins present major technical challenges, including expression and purification for structural and biophysical studies. A modified strategy of that pro... Read More about Production of membrane proteins for characterisation of their pheromone-sensing and antimicrobial resistance functions.