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Outputs (72)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing systems as drug discovery targets: current position and future perspectives (2018)
Journal Article
Soukarieh, F., Williams, P., Stocks, M. J., & Camara, M. (in press). Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing systems as drug discovery targets: current position and future perspectives. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious threat to public health globally, manifested by the frequent emergence of multi-drug resistant pathogens that render current chemotherapy inadequate. Health organizations worldwide have recognized the sever... Read More about Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing systems as drug discovery targets: current position and future perspectives.

Fibre sub-type specific conduction reveals metabolic function in mouse sciatic nerve (2018)
Journal Article
Rich, L. R., & Brown, A. M. (2018). Fibre sub-type specific conduction reveals metabolic function in mouse sciatic nerve. Journal of Physiology, 596(10), 1795-1812.

The stimulus evoked compound action potential (CAP), recorded using suction electrodes, provides an index of the relative number of conducting axons within a nerve trunk. As such the CAP has been used to elucidate the diverse mechanisms of injury res... Read More about Fibre sub-type specific conduction reveals metabolic function in mouse sciatic nerve.

Therapeutic benefit for late, but not early, passage mesenchymal stem cells on pain behaviour in an animal model of osteoarthritis (2017)
Journal Article
Chapman, V., Markides, H., Sagar, D. R., Xu, L., Burston, J. J., Mapp, P., Kay, A., Morris, R. H., Kehoe, O., & El Haj, A. J. (2017). Therapeutic benefit for late, but not early, passage mesenchymal stem cells on pain behaviour in an animal model of osteoarthritis. Stem Cells International, 2017,

Background: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have a therapeutic potential for the treatment of osteoarthritic (OA) joint pathology and pain. The aims of this study were to determine the influence of a passage number on the effects of MSCs on pain behavi... Read More about Therapeutic benefit for late, but not early, passage mesenchymal stem cells on pain behaviour in an animal model of osteoarthritis.

Association of beta-blocker use with less prevalent joint pain and lower opioid requirement in people with osteoarthritis (2017)
Journal Article
Valdes, A. M., Abhishek, A., Muir, K., Zhang, W., Maciewicz, R. A., & Doherty, M. (2017). Association of beta-blocker use with less prevalent joint pain and lower opioid requirement in people with osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 69(7), 1076-1081.

Objective: Recent findings suggest that β-adrenergic blockers have anti-nociceptive properties. The aim of this study was to compare levels of large joint pain between those on adrenergic blockers and those on other antihypertensive medications.
Met... Read More about Association of beta-blocker use with less prevalent joint pain and lower opioid requirement in people with osteoarthritis.

Discovery of fevipiprant (NVP-QAW039), a potent and selective DP2 receptor antagonist for treatment of asthma (2017)
Journal Article
Sandham, D. A., Barker, L., Brown, L., Brown, Z., Budd, D., Charlton, S. J., Chatterjee, D., Cox, B., Dubois, G., Duggan, N., Hall, E., Hatto, J., Maas, J., Manini, J., Profit, R., Riddy, D., Ritchie, C., Sohal, B., Shaw, D., Stringer, R., …Willis, J. (2017). Discovery of fevipiprant (NVP-QAW039), a potent and selective DP2 receptor antagonist for treatment of asthma. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 8(5), 582-586.

Further optimization of an initial DP2 receptor antagonist clinical candidate NVPQAV680 led to the discovery of a follow-up molecule 2-(2-methyl-1-(4-(methylsulfonyl)-2- (trifluoromethyl)benzyl)-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridin-3-yl)acetic acid (compound 11,... Read More about Discovery of fevipiprant (NVP-QAW039), a potent and selective DP2 receptor antagonist for treatment of asthma.

Pain prediction by serum biomarkers of bone turnover in people with knee osteoarthritis: an observational study of TRAcP5b and cathepsin K in OA (2017)
Journal Article
Nwosu, L. N., Allen, M., Wyatt, L., Huebner, J., Chapman, V., Walsh, D. A., & Kraus, V. (2017). Pain prediction by serum biomarkers of bone turnover in people with knee osteoarthritis: an observational study of TRAcP5b and cathepsin K in OA. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 25(6),

Objectives: To investigate serum biomarkers, tartrate resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRAcP5b) and cathepsin K, indicative of osteoclastic bone resorption, and their relationship to pain and pain change in knee osteoarthritis (OA).
Methods: Sera and... Read More about Pain prediction by serum biomarkers of bone turnover in people with knee osteoarthritis: an observational study of TRAcP5b and cathepsin K in OA.

Prior consumption of a fat meal in healthy adults modulates the brain’s response to fat (2016)
Journal Article
Eldeghaidy, S., Marciani, L., Hort, J., Hollowood, T. A., Singh, G., Bush, D., Foster, T., Taylor, A. J., Busch, J., Spiller, R. C., Gowland, P. A., & Francis, S. T. (2016). Prior consumption of a fat meal in healthy adults modulates the brain’s response to fat. Journal of Nutrition, 146(11), 2187-2198.

Background: Consumption of fat is regulated by reward and homeostatic pathways, but no studies have examined the role of the intake of a high fat meal (HFM) on subsequent brain activation to oral stimuli.
Objective: We evaluated how prior consumptio... Read More about Prior consumption of a fat meal in healthy adults modulates the brain’s response to fat.

Anti-nociceptive and desensitizing effects of olvanil on capsaicin-induced thermal hyperalgesia in the rat (2016)
Journal Article
Alsalem, M., Millns, P., Altarifi, A., El-Salem, K., Chapman, V., & Kendall, D. A. (in press). Anti-nociceptive and desensitizing effects of olvanil on capsaicin-induced thermal hyperalgesia in the rat. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, 17,

Background: Olvanil (NE 19550) is a non-pungent synthetic analogue of capsaicin, the natural pungent ingredient of capsicum which activates the transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 (TRPV1) channel and was developed as a potential analgesic c... Read More about Anti-nociceptive and desensitizing effects of olvanil on capsaicin-induced thermal hyperalgesia in the rat.

SBRC-Nottingham: sustainable routes to platform chemicals from C1 wastes Gases (2016)
Journal Article
Burbidge, A., & Minton, N. P. (2016). SBRC-Nottingham: sustainable routes to platform chemicals from C1 wastes Gases. Biochemical Society Transactions, 44(3), 684-686.

SBRC-Nottingham ( was one of the first three UK university-based Synthetic Biology Research Centres (SBRCs) to be funded by the BBSRC and EPSRC as part of the recommendations made in the UKs Synthetic Biology Roadmap. It was... Read More about SBRC-Nottingham: sustainable routes to platform chemicals from C1 wastes Gases.