‘New Medicine Service’: supporting adherence in people starting a new medication for a long-term condition: 26-week follow-up of a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Journal Article
Elliott, R. A., Boyd, M., Tanajewski, L., Barber, N., Gkountouras, G., Avery, A. J., Mehta, R., Davies, J. E., Salema, N.-E., Craig, C., Latif, A., Waring, J., & Chuter, A. (2019). ‘New Medicine Service’: supporting adherence in people starting a new medication for a long-term condition: 26-week follow-up of a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ Quality and Safety, 29(4), 286-295. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2018-009177
Outputs (2)
Assessing the impact of the introduction of an electronic hospital discharge system on the completeness and timeliness of discharge communication: a before and after study (2017)
Journal Article
Mehta, R., Baxendale, B., Roth, K., Caswell, V., Le Jeune, I., Hawkins, J., Zedan, H. S., & Avery, A. J. (2017). Assessing the impact of the introduction of an electronic hospital discharge system on the completeness and timeliness of discharge communication: a before and after study. BMC Health Services Research, 17, Article 624. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-017-2579-3Background:
Hospital discharge summaries are a key communication tool ensuring continuity of care between primary and secondary care. Incomplete or untimely communication of information increases risk of hospital readmission and associated compl... Read More about Assessing the impact of the introduction of an electronic hospital discharge system on the completeness and timeliness of discharge communication: a before and after study.