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Outputs (21)

Improvement over time in outcomes for patients undergoing endoscopic therapy for Barrett's oesophagus-related neoplasia: 6-year experience from the first 500 patients treated in the UK patient registry (2014)
Journal Article
Haidry, R. J., Butt, M. A., Dunn, J. M., Gupta, A., Lipman, G., Smart, H. L., Bhandari, P., Smith, L., Willert, R., Fullarton, G., Di Pietro, M., Gordon, C., Penman, I., Barr, H., Patel, P., Kapoor, N., Hoare, J., Narayanasamy, R., Ang, Y., Veitch, A., …Lovat, L. B. (2015). Improvement over time in outcomes for patients undergoing endoscopic therapy for Barrett's oesophagus-related neoplasia: 6-year experience from the first 500 patients treated in the UK patient registry. Gut, 64(8), 1192-1199.

Background Barrett's oesophagus (BE) is a pre-malignant condition leading to oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC). Treatment of neoplasia at an early stage is desirable. Combined endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) followed by radiofrequency ablation (RFA... Read More about Improvement over time in outcomes for patients undergoing endoscopic therapy for Barrett's oesophagus-related neoplasia: 6-year experience from the first 500 patients treated in the UK patient registry.

Preoperative carbohydrate supplementation attenuates post-surgery insulin resistance via reduced inflammatory inhibition of the insulin-mediated restraint on muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 expression (2014)
Journal Article
Fosse Gjessing, P., Constantin-Teodosiu, D., Hagve, M., Lobo, D. N., Revhaug, A., & Irtun, Ø. (2015). Preoperative carbohydrate supplementation attenuates post-surgery insulin resistance via reduced inflammatory inhibition of the insulin-mediated restraint on muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 expression. Clinical Nutrition, 34(6), 1177-1183.

Human leukocyte antigen genetic risk factors of drug-induced liver toxicology (2014)
Journal Article
Grove, J., & Aithal, G. (2014). Human leukocyte antigen genetic risk factors of drug-induced liver toxicology. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, 11(3), 395-409.

Introduction: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a rare adverse drug reaction, which impacts significantly on patients. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) risk alleles have been found to be associated with DILI supporting an immunological basis to DILI p... Read More about Human leukocyte antigen genetic risk factors of drug-induced liver toxicology.

Polymorphisms Near TBX5 and GDF7 Are Associated With Increased Risk for Barrett’s Esophagus (2014)
Journal Article
Palles, C., Chegwidden, L., Li, X., Findlay, J. M., Farnham, G., Giner, F. C., Peppelenbosch, M. P., Kovac, M., Adams, C. L., Prenen, H., Briggs, S., Harrison, R., Sanders, S., MacDonald, D., Haigh, C., Tucker, A., Love, S., Nanji, M., deCaestecker, J., Ferry, D., …Jankowski, J. (2015). Polymorphisms Near TBX5 and GDF7 Are Associated With Increased Risk for Barrett’s Esophagus. Gastroenterology, 148(2), 367-378.

Toll-like receptor expression in crypt epithelial cells, putative stem cells and intestinal myofibroblasts isolated from controls and patients with inflammatory bowel disease (2014)
Journal Article
Brown, M., Hughes, K., Moossavi, S., Robins, A., & Mahida, Y. (2014). Toll-like receptor expression in crypt epithelial cells, putative stem cells and intestinal myofibroblasts isolated from controls and patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 178(1), 28-39.

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurements of intragastric fat fraction of oil emulsions in humans (2014)
Journal Article
Hussein, M. O., Hoad, C. L., Stephenson, M. C., Cox, E. F., Placidi, E., Pritchard, S. E., Costigan, C., Ribeiro, H., Ciampi, E., Rayment, P., Nandi, A., Hedges, N., Sanderson, P., Peters, H. P., Kruse, I., Marciani, L., Spiller, R. C., & Gowland, P. A. (2015). Magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurements of intragastric fat fraction of oil emulsions in humans. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 117(1), 31-36.

Functional recovery is considered the most important target: a survey of dedicated professionals (2014)
Journal Article
Aahlin, E. K., von Meyenfeldt, M., Dejong, C. H., Ljungqvist, O., Fearon, K. C., Lobo, D. N., Demartines, N., Revhaug, A., Wigmore, S. J., & Lassen, K. (2014). Functional recovery is considered the most important target: a survey of dedicated professionals. Perioperative Medicine, 3(1),

Background: The aim of this study was to survey the relative importance of postoperative recovery targets and perioperative care items, as perceived by a large group of international dedicated professionals.
Methods: A questionnaire with eight posto... Read More about Functional recovery is considered the most important target: a survey of dedicated professionals.

Stimulation of colonic motility by oral PEG electrolyte bowel preparation assessed by MRI: comparison of splitvssingle dose (2014)
Journal Article
Marciani, L., Garsed, K. C., Hoad, C. L., Fields, A., Fordham, I., Pritchard, S. E., Placidi, E., Murray, K., Chaddock, G., Costigan, C., Lam, C., Jalanka-Tuovinen, J., De Vos, W. M., Gowland, P. A., & Spiller, R. C. (2014). Stimulation of colonic motility by oral PEG electrolyte bowel preparation assessed by MRI: comparison of splitvssingle dose. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 26(10), 1426-1436.

Gut reactions (2014)
Journal Article
Robinson, K. (2014). Gut reactions

Effect of a Perioperative, Cardiac Output–Guided Hemodynamic Therapy Algorithm on Outcomes Following Major Gastrointestinal Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial and Systematic Review (2014)
Journal Article
Lobo, D., MacDonald, N., Pearse, R. M., Parnell, W., Harrison, D. A., Niebrzegowska, E., Bodger, P., Gillies, M. A., Gallego, L., Blunt, M., McAlees, E., Ackland, G., Januszewska, M., Grocott, M. P., Smith, A., Ahern, A., Pearse, R., Griggs, K., Gillies, M., Scott, R., …Treasure, T. (2014). Effect of a Perioperative, Cardiac Output–Guided Hemodynamic Therapy Algorithm on Outcomes Following Major Gastrointestinal Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial and Systematic Review. Journal of the American Medical Association, 311(21), 2180-2190.