Intensive glycemic control and macrovascular, microvascular, hypoglycemia complications and mortality in older (age ≥60years) or frail adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis from randomized controlled trial and observation studies
Journal Article
Crabtree, T., Ogendo, J. J., Vinogradova, Y., Gordon, J., & Idris, I. (2022). Intensive glycemic control and macrovascular, microvascular, hypoglycemia complications and mortality in older (age ≥60years) or frail adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis from randomized controlled trial and observation studies. Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
Introduction: Guidelines for type 2 diabetes (T2D) recommend individualized HbA1c targets to take into account patient age or frailty. We synthesized evidence from randomized controlled trials and observational studies for intensive glycemic control... Read More about Intensive glycemic control and macrovascular, microvascular, hypoglycemia complications and mortality in older (age ≥60years) or frail adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis from randomized controlled trial and observation studies.