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Do working practices of cancer nurse specialists improve clinical outcomes? Retrospective cohort analysis from the English National Lung Cancer Audit (2020)
Journal Article
Stewart, I., Leary, A., Khakwani, A., Borthwick, D., Tod, A., Hubbard, R., Beckett, P., & Tata, L. J. (2021). Do working practices of cancer nurse specialists improve clinical outcomes? Retrospective cohort analysis from the English National Lung Cancer Audit. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 118, Article 103718.

Cancer nurse specialists are advanced practitioners who offer continuity of care and expert support for people diagnosed with specific cancers. Health Education England's Cancer Workforce Plan prioritises expansion of cancer nurse special... Read More about Do working practices of cancer nurse specialists improve clinical outcomes? Retrospective cohort analysis from the English National Lung Cancer Audit.

Patients' attitudes towards cost feedback to doctors to prevent unnecessary testing: a qualitative focus group study (2020)
Journal Article
Young, B., Fogarty, A. W., Skelly, R., Shaw, D., Thurley, P., Sturrock, N., Norwood, M., Langley, T., Lewis, S., & Cranwell, J. (2020). Patients' attitudes towards cost feedback to doctors to prevent unnecessary testing: a qualitative focus group study. Public Health, 185, 338-340.

© 2020 The Authors Objectives: There is a need to improve efficiency in healthcare delivery without compromising quality of care. One approach is the development and evaluation of behavioural strategies to reduce unnecessary use of common tests. Howe... Read More about Patients' attitudes towards cost feedback to doctors to prevent unnecessary testing: a qualitative focus group study.

Assessing the impact of posture on diaphragm morphology and function using an open upright MRI system – a pilot study (2020)
Journal Article
Safavi, S., Arthofer, C., Cooper, A., Harkin, J. W., Prayle, A. P., Sovani, M. P., Bolton, C. E., Gowland, P. A., & Hall, I. P. (2020). Assessing the impact of posture on diaphragm morphology and function using an open upright MRI system – a pilot study. European Journal of Radiology, 130, Article 109196.

The diaphragm is the most important muscle of respiration. Disorders of the diaphragm can have a deleterious impact on respiratory function. We aimed to evaluate the use of an open-configuration upright low-field MRI system to assess diaphra... Read More about Assessing the impact of posture on diaphragm morphology and function using an open upright MRI system – a pilot study.

Gene expression and in situ protein profiling of candidate SARS-CoV-2 receptors in human airway epithelial cells and lung tissue (2020)
Journal Article
Aguiar, J. A., Tremblay, B. J.-M., Mansfield, M. J., Woody, O., Lobb, B., Banerjee, A., Chandiramohan, A., Tiessen, N., Cao, Q., Dvorkin-Gheva, A., Revill, S., Miller, M. S., Carlsten, C., Organ, L., Joseph, C., John, A., Hanson, P., Austin, R. C., McManus, B. M., Jenkins, G., …Hirota, J. A. (2020). Gene expression and in situ protein profiling of candidate SARS-CoV-2 receptors in human airway epithelial cells and lung tissue. European Respiratory Journal, 56(3), Article 2001123.

In December 2019, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged, causing the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. SARS-CoV, the agent responsible for the 2003 SARS outbreak, utilises angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (AC... Read More about Gene expression and in situ protein profiling of candidate SARS-CoV-2 receptors in human airway epithelial cells and lung tissue.

Urinary Leukotriene E4 and Prostaglandin D2 Metabolites Increase in Adult and Childhood Severe Asthma Characterized by Type-2 Inflammation (2020)
Journal Article
Kolmert, J., Gómez, C., Balgoma, D., Sjödin, M., Bood, J., Konradsen, J. R., Ericsson, M., Thörngren, J.-O., James, A., Mikus, M., Sousa, A. R., Riley, J. H., Bates, S., Bakke, P. S., Pandis, I., Caruso, M., Chanez, P., Fowler, S. J., Geiser, T., Howarth, P., …U-BIOPRED Study Group. (2021). Urinary Leukotriene E4 and Prostaglandin D2 Metabolites Increase in Adult and Childhood Severe Asthma Characterized by Type-2 Inflammation. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 203(1), 37–53.

Rationale: New approaches are needed to guide personalized treatment of asthma.

Objective: To test if urinary eicosanoid metabolites can direct asthma phenotyping.

Methods: Urinary metabolites of prostaglandins (PG), cysteinyl-leukotrienes (LT)... Read More about Urinary Leukotriene E4 and Prostaglandin D2 Metabolites Increase in Adult and Childhood Severe Asthma Characterized by Type-2 Inflammation.

Molecular Complexity of Lymphovascular Invasion: The Role of Cell Migration in Breast Cancer as a Prototype (2020)
Journal Article
Kariri, Y. A., Aleskandarany, M. A., Joseph, C., Toss, M. S., Kurozumi, S., Mohammed, O. J., Green, A. R., & Rakha, E. A. (2020). Molecular Complexity of Lymphovascular Invasion: The Role of Cell Migration in Breast Cancer as a Prototype. Pathobiology, 87, 218–231.

Lymphovascular invasion (LVI) is associated with poor outcome in breast cancer (BC); however, its underlying mechanisms remain ill-defined. LVI in BC develops through complex molecular pathways involving not only the interplay with the surrounding mi... Read More about Molecular Complexity of Lymphovascular Invasion: The Role of Cell Migration in Breast Cancer as a Prototype.

Relationship of CT densitometry to lung physiological parameters and health status in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: initial report of a centralised database of the NIHR rare diseases translational research collaborative (2020)
Journal Article
Crossley, D., Stockley, J., Bolton, C. E., Hopkinson, N. S., Mahadeva, R., Steiner, M., Wilkinson, T., Hurst, J. R., Gooptu, B., & Stockley, R. A. (2020). Relationship of CT densitometry to lung physiological parameters and health status in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: initial report of a centralised database of the NIHR rare diseases translational research collaborative. BMJ Open, 10(6), Article e036045.

Objectives To establish a database network for the study of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) and compare the results to CT lung density as the most direct measure of emphysema.

Design A central electronic database was established to permit th... Read More about Relationship of CT densitometry to lung physiological parameters and health status in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: initial report of a centralised database of the NIHR rare diseases translational research collaborative.

Structural and chemical heterogeneity in ancient glass probed using gas overcondensation, X-ray tomography, and solid-state NMR (2020)
Journal Article
Rigby, S. P., Stevens, L., Meersmann, T., Pavlovskaya, G. E., Rees, G. J., Henderson, J., Bryant, S. J., Edler, K. J., & Fletcher, R. S. (2020). Structural and chemical heterogeneity in ancient glass probed using gas overcondensation, X-ray tomography, and solid-state NMR. Materials Characterization, 167, Article 110467.

Rare ancient glasses have complex, multi-scale structures requiring more sophisticated and non-destructive pore characterisation techniques than usual. Homotattic patch models for nitrogen adsorption gave better fits to the isotherm data, more accura... Read More about Structural and chemical heterogeneity in ancient glass probed using gas overcondensation, X-ray tomography, and solid-state NMR.

Management of Fracture Risk in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Building a UK Consensus Through Healthcare Professional and Patient Engagement (2020)
Journal Article
Gupta, A., Jayes, L. R., Holmes, S., Sahota, O., Canavan, M., Elkin, S. L., Lim, K., Murphy, A. C., Singh, S., Towlson, E. A., Ward, H., Scullion, J., McKeever, T. M., & Bolton, C. E. (2020). Management of Fracture Risk in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Building a UK Consensus Through Healthcare Professional and Patient Engagement. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 15, 1377-1390.

Introduction: Osteoporosis and bone fractures are common in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality. Current national guidance on COPD management recommends addressing bone health in patien... Read More about Management of Fracture Risk in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Building a UK Consensus Through Healthcare Professional and Patient Engagement.

The prognostic significance of BMI1 expression in invasive breast cancer is dependent on its molecular subtypes (2020)
Journal Article
Althobiti, M., Muftah, A. A., Aleskandarany, M. A., Joseph, C., Toss, M. S., Green, A., & Rakha, E. (2020). The prognostic significance of BMI1 expression in invasive breast cancer is dependent on its molecular subtypes. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 182, 581–589.

Purpose: BMI-1, which is a major component of the polycomb group
complex 1 is an essential epigenetic repressor of multiple regulatory genes and has been identified as a cancer stem cell (CSC) marker in several cancers. However, its role in breast c... Read More about The prognostic significance of BMI1 expression in invasive breast cancer is dependent on its molecular subtypes.