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Patients' attitudes towards cost feedback to doctors to prevent unnecessary testing: a qualitative focus group study (2020)
Journal Article
Young, B., Fogarty, A. W., Skelly, R., Shaw, D., Thurley, P., Sturrock, N., Norwood, M., Langley, T., Lewis, S., & Cranwell, J. (2020). Patients' attitudes towards cost feedback to doctors to prevent unnecessary testing: a qualitative focus group study. Public Health, 185, 338-340.

© 2020 The Authors Objectives: There is a need to improve efficiency in healthcare delivery without compromising quality of care. One approach is the development and evaluation of behavioural strategies to reduce unnecessary use of common tests. Howe... Read More about Patients' attitudes towards cost feedback to doctors to prevent unnecessary testing: a qualitative focus group study.

Hospital doctors’ attitudes to brief educational messages that aim to modify diagnostic test requests: a qualitative study (2020)
Journal Article
Young, B., Fogarty, A. W., Skelly, R., Shaw, D., Sturrock, N., Norwood, M., Thurley, P., Lewis, S., Langley, T., & Cranwell, J. (2020). Hospital doctors’ attitudes to brief educational messages that aim to modify diagnostic test requests: a qualitative study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 20(1), 80.

BACKGROUND: Avoidable use of diagnostic tests can both harm patients and increase the cost of healthcare. Nudge-type educational interventions have potential to modify clinician behaviour while respecting clinical autonomy and responsibility, but the... Read More about Hospital doctors’ attitudes to brief educational messages that aim to modify diagnostic test requests: a qualitative study.