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Measuring physical activity levels in people with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia (2020)
Journal Article
Van Der Wardt, V., Hancox, J. E., Burgon, C., Bajwa, R., Goldberg, S., & Harwood, R. H. (2021). Measuring physical activity levels in people with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 29(1), 10-16.

Measuring physical activity (PA) in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia can be difficult. The aim was to investigate the validity and acceptability of three different PA measurement methods.
The mixed-method analysis included 49... Read More about Measuring physical activity levels in people with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia.

Factors influencing adherence to home-based strength and balance exercises among older adults with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia: Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) (2019)
Journal Article
Hancox, J. E., van der Wardt, V., Pollock, K., Booth, V., Vedhara, K., & Harwood, R. H. (2019). Factors influencing adherence to home-based strength and balance exercises among older adults with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia: Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED). PLoS ONE, 14(5), Article e0217387.

Older adults with dementia are at a high risk of losing abilities and of accidental falls. Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) is a 12-month person-centred exercise and activity programme which aims... Read More about Factors influencing adherence to home-based strength and balance exercises among older adults with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia: Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED).

Physical activity engagement strategies in people with dementia – a focus group study (2019)
Journal Article
Harwood, R. H., van der Wardt, V., Hancox, J., Pollock, K., Logan, P., Vedhara, K., & Harwood, R. (2020). Physical activity engagement strategies in people with dementia – a focus group study. Aging and Mental Health, 24(8), 1326-1333.

Objective: This focus group study aimed to explore how to motivate people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia and their carers to engage in exercise and physical activity.

Methods: Four focus groups were conducted with six people with... Read More about Physical activity engagement strategies in people with dementia – a focus group study.

A development study and randomised feasibility trial of a tailored intervention to improve activity and reduce falls in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia (2018)
Journal Article
Harwood, R. H., van der Wardt, V., Goldberg, S. E., Keamey, F., Logan, P., Hood-Moore, V., Booth, V., Hancox, J. E., Masud, T., Hoare, Z., Brand, A., Tudor Edwards, R., Jones, C., das Nair, R., Pollock, K., Godfrey, M., Gladman, J. R., Vedhara, K., Smith, H., & Orrell, M. (2018). A development study and randomised feasibility trial of a tailored intervention to improve activity and reduce falls in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4, Article 49.

People with dementia progressively lose abilities and are prone to falling. Exercise- and activity-based interventions hold the prospect of increasing abilities, reducing falls, and slowing decline in cognition. Current falls prevention... Read More about A development study and randomised feasibility trial of a tailored intervention to improve activity and reduce falls in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia.

New horizons: the management of hypertension in people with dementia (2016)
Journal Article
Harrison, J. K., Van Der Wardt, V., Conroy, S. P., Stott, D. J., Dening, T., Gordon, A. L., Logan, P., Welsh, T. J., Taggar, J., Harwood, R., & Gladman, J. R. (2016). New horizons: the management of hypertension in people with dementia. Age and Ageing, 45(6), 740-746.

The optimal management of hypertension in people with dementia is uncertain. This review explores if people with dementia experience greater adverse effects from antihypertensive medications, if cognitive function is protected or worsened by controll... Read More about New horizons: the management of hypertension in people with dementia.